
Responses from lewm

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Rich, Cannot easily be done with ordinary benchtop tools. You need a test LP with a 1kHz tone recorded at a velocity of 3.54cm/sec or 5cm/sec (the two industry standards) and then you'd need a 'scope or a very sensitive AC voltmeter to measure the... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Hi Raul, I thought you had evaluated the AT20SS back in the early phases of this thread. You liked it a lot, but you seemed to like the other Audio Technica vintage cartridges better. (I can never remember the nomenclature, but they have 3-digit n... 
Schroeder Reference Arm
Petng,I too would love to know more about the Kuzma top pivoted tonearms and how it fits in with Triplanar, Graham, Talea, Schroeder, Reed, SME. I can't even find a good photo of either. The 4-point is the top of the pivoted line, is it not? 
Tube Phono Stage Help
To sort this out, if you think the sound is "lean" with the Cary/Whest combo, the "problem" probably won't be cured by introduction of the Spectron, but I could be very wrong. I used to think based on listening experiences that Class D amps were b... 
Grado TLZ ???
I will go and take a look at mine. I still have the original cylinder in which the cartridge was sold, so I can also look at the label on that. Perhaps Yogiboy knows better, but I do think there was a "Signature" version of the TLZ. I never knew o... 
Grado TLZ ???
I own a very old TLZ. It has a silvery body (probably aluminum) with a black stylus assembly. I am sure it is correct original, because I personally bought it new more than 2 decades ago. Rich, what is your question? I will try to help, but I am n... 
Schroeder Reference Arm
Dear Doug, I am thinking that I sounded snotty when I was preaching about scientific method. I apologize. 
Tube Phono Stage Help
With all due respect to Bottlehead, wouldn't you guys expect the Whest to be superior to the Seduction? The Bottlehead Eros might be a better alternative, I would think. And to the OP, what system is giving you a lean sound? You say you are trying... 
Well Tempered Amadeus turntable, giant killer?
Buda, Up to a point, the brain does a wonderful job compensating for gradual hearing loss. The NIDCD hardly went out on a limb making that claim; I would wager that no one at the age of 65 or over has the measurable hearing acuity that he or she h... 
Vintage Phono Stage? pros and cons
This is one place where I would recommend caution when going vintage, if the goal is max performance or at least max bang for the buck, rather than collecting. That's because although there are few things new under the phono audio sun, parts are b... 
Schroeder Reference Arm
Sarcher, I believe human hearing would be most sensitive at between 500 and 2000 Hz (grossly speaking), and that's why we have 1kHz test tones and why crosstalk, distortion, etc, are usually measured at that frequency. Does the optimal electronic ... 
Schroeder Reference Arm
Dear Joel et al, By choosing 1kHz in my little proposal, I did not mean to take the position that 1kHz is the sine qua non for setting azimuth. The goal of my proposed experiment would simply be to compare the outcome when a really good ear (like ... 
Schroeder Reference Arm
With all due respect, Doug, forming an hypothesis about the sound of a particular type of cartridge and "confirming" it with a sample of N=1 is not good "science", nor are the other examples you give. But I do agree that lack of a scientific appro... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Infinity Black Widow should be a great tonearm for these high compliance cartridges (very low effective mass, as far as I remember). Has anyone had actual experience with it? Raul? 
Schroeder Reference Arm
While we're at it, is the Schroeder Reference still in production? I thought I read several months ago that Frank Schroeder had ceased to produce tonearms, except to fill outstanding orders, which was good news to a buddy of mine who has had a Ref...