
Responses from lewm

Well Tempered Amadeus turntable, giant killer?
For goodness sakes, try to listen to it before spending your money, given that you already own one or more turntables that I would guess are as good or better. Having had extensive listening experience (~10 years) with my best friend's WT Referenc... 
Azimuth and the Fozgometer
I don't quite understand your post, Dan. It would seem that if you own a Talea or any other tonearm with easy, accurate, and repeatable azimuth adjustment (Triplanar, Reed), then the usefulness of a device that provides an electronic method for se... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Franklin, Find out the effective mass of the SL1200 tonearm. For the Azden you ideally want a low effective mass (10-11g or less), which can also be achieved with a lightweight headshell, if the stock one is too heavy. Or ask KAB; they know their ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Isn't the "hum" from room lights (usually fluorescents IME) at a somewhat higher frequency than that which is usually due purely to bad grounding? I guess it's a sort of EMI, first cousin to RF. Anyway, I take your point. I was just trying to help... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dave, You wrote, "In my experience phono hum is typically picked up by exposed unshielded tonearm wires. Using screened tonearm wire and floating the screens at the cartridge end, deals with RF antennae effects associated with exposed wires. A sep... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Ddriveman, I suppose you get the point by now that the cartridge per se "floats" in almost all cases, meaning the cartridge is not grounded. That is why a cartridge is an inherently balanced device; there is signal at each end. (In a single-ended ... 
Azimuth and the Fozgometer
I for one would not quibble over the price of the Foz. I was trying to find out from owners how it works is all, so I could decide for myself whether it works as I would like it to do. I want my $250-instrument to take me where I want to go. Setti... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Alex, I did not do a survey, but for what it's worth, I use ProGold to clean contacts and Walker SST Extreme as an enhancer IF the contacts are not going to get hot, as in a phono system. For tube pins that do get hot, I also use ProGold enhancer.... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
AN wire would be copper, I presume. Not that there is anything wrong with that. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Frogman, Your wiring system is pretty much what I had in mind as the quick and dirty way to achieve "direct coupling". I believe that is what Raul is doing, too. Have you, or has anyone, tried the silver "Ikeda" wire that one can purchase from an ... 
Add Verus Drive to Basis or go Lenco
Jaspert, Are you using a motor controller on your Lenco? 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Tim, Raul has already done something like that, in a more brute force way. I also know of several folks who have drilled thru the tonearm/headshell connector so as to allow the wiring to go straight thru, thereby eliminating that junction. (Of cou... 
Schroeder Reference Arm
Thanks, Doug. It's clear from your treatise that one should not be bothered with vinyl. Like the bumble-bee, it cannot possibly "fly". (Kidding, of course.)I thought you were going to tell us that Paul had picked out the sound of a strain gauge. T... 
Schroeder Reference Arm
Dear Rccc, I too asked Doug about his ideas on cartridges that put a lot of energy into the tonearm, and cartridges that don't. It makes a lot of sense that cartridges could differ in this way, due to the huge differences in construction of one vs... 
Add Verus Drive to Basis or go Lenco
I have such a one (Lenco L75/PTP top plate/slate plinth) and it is a wonderful turntable. Compares in every way to my Denon DP80 in slate and my Technics SP10 Mk2 in slate, yet different in a good way.