
Responses from lewm

Sota Sapphire and Isolation?
Thank you, Mike and Larry.  
Turntable prices. Is my mind going?
Turntable prices. Is my mind going?
Mahgister, Perhaps I misunderstand you but your agenda seems to be that one can make cheap gear sound as good as or better than very expensive gear, if one is possessed of a certain wisdom regarding room acoustics and other more superficial tweaks... 
Turntable prices. Is my mind going?
At least you admit that you "don't know". That's a good place to start, rather than to think that if it's cheaper, it must be as good or better. as some do.  There's a great line from the movie "A Thousand Clowns", which came out in the early 60s ... 
Sota Sapphire and Isolation?
Soix, you do want the SOTA on a solid support, which is the road bed in my analogy. Perhaps think of a spring suspension that bounces at 2 cps. Now mount it on a spring suspended shelf that bounces at any different frequency. Can you see that the ... 
Sota Sapphire and Isolation?
I said nothing for or against the Ginkgo Cloud or other solid or semi-solid support systems designed to absorb energy sans springs or soft rubber mounts. (At least, I don’t think the Gingko uses springs; I could be wrong there, and if I am wrong, ... 
Sota Sapphire and Isolation?
Do whatever you want. But do realize that the built in spring suspension of the SOTA is there to filter out all the stuff you’re talking about where it counts, before it can disturb the platter/bearing/tonearm/cartridge. I’m not saying it’s perfec... 
Sota Sapphire and Isolation?
Soix, your reasoning is faulty. The substructure of the SOTA that sits on a shelf can be considered for our purposes to be part of the shelf. The platter, bearing, and tonearm are still suspended from springs. If you then add a base that itself is... 
Sota Sapphire and Isolation?
Never combine springs with springs. The SOTA is already spring suspended.  
Goldmund Studietto repairs
In the title of this thread, it is revealed that the turntable in question is specifically a Goldmund Studietto, not a JVC or anything else.  Steve Dobbins would know what to do and what not to do with the bearing.  Same applies to the servo mecha... 
Example of a piece o’ crap, useless review
Phoenix, On your comment about my comment that the record brush should not slow down the TT speed, I think when I wrote that I was interpreting the reviewer to mean that he uses a brush that rides the LP on its own "arm", as the LP plays. There ar... 
Goldmund Studietto repairs
Steve Dobbins is at least geographically closer to you, is highly skilled, and is known for his work on turntables, not cartridges. You might also ask him.  
Turntable prices. Is my mind going?
Post 1974 911s were awful and slow due to US emissions controls. Mid to late 80s SC models were ok but certainly not very fast. The 964 finally recapitulated the great late 60s/early 70s cars.  
Weirdest record defect?
I think you mean many spindle holes are undersized.  
Inexpensive turntable to play old records
Why not just play them on your main system?  You are not going to damage the cartridge, if you have properly cleaned the LPs, even if they are scratchy due to excessive wear.