
Responses from lewm

Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Johnny, I am very glad that the new Pioneer exists, because it will be attractive to those who fear "living dangerously" with vintage DD's, and it may help, like the Technics SL1200 did, to spread the word of the virtues of DD. But what "vibration... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Banquo, Re platter rubbing. There was indeed one point in time where I perceived noise coming from what sounded like platter rubbing, only audible at 45 rpm, and I reported it here. However, the noise or rubbing sound, or whatever it was, disappea... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Thanks to Henry pointing out the clickable links, I was able to see the photos of the Jico mats. I definitely do not like the fact that the mat hangs over the edges of the platter. Most all LPs have a "lip" around their circumference. Optimally th... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Just be sure that the OEM thrust pad is suited to the silicon nitride ball. Bearing technology is complex. Did you measure a "lowered sound floor", or is that a subjective judgement based on listening to LPs? These racing motor oils are designed t... 
Jean Nantais Reference Lenco Mk2 vs Mk3
To add to Zd542's remark, keep in mind that the Lenco L75 and Garrard 301, while they are both top quality idlers, do sound at least a little different and are very different from one another in terms of design and topology of the drive system. Pe... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Henry, Thanks for the tip on the clickable links. As for mats, since I have yet no listening experience with the TT101, I cannot comment on its mat. With my Lenco and my SP10 Mk3, I am a big fan of the Boston Audio Mat1 (for the Lenco) and Mat2 (f... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Henry and Don, From Henry's first post about the pigskin mat, I got the idea he was saying it was supplied OEM with the TT101, perhaps not with the TT81. My TT101 has what I deem to be its OEM mat, but it sure does not look to be made of any natur... 
Tonearm: Well Tempered Lab LTD MK2
Raymonda, It's a pivoted tonearm, right? If it has no bearing, then what does it pivot on? The answer is, it does have a bearing. That "paddle or ball in silicon fluid" constitutes a bearing, for better or worse. Don't be concerned; I am not confu... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
CT, The nice thing is, my Alfa does not have to be so reliable, as I will not be relying on it except for the occasional spin on local roads. But I do expect it will be more reliable than the TT101 has been so far. FWIW, I owned a Duetto for six y... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Four days and the TT101 is still running reliably in the nude, back in its QL10 plinth. I realize no one gives a damn but me, but I just thought Halco would appreciate my keeping his thread alive.I am convinced that the bottom canister cover, now ... 
Cartridge impedance loading question
John, I won't make a "religion" out of it, if you won't say I was making a religion out of it. The hostility in your response is inappropriate. I only relayed my preliminary and to me surprising observations; I did not say anywhere that I had foun... 
Tonearm: Well Tempered Lab LTD MK2
I wouldn't blame a tonearm for "hum and noise" necessarily, but I am no fan of WT tonearms, either. Because the ones with which I am familiar have rather vague bearings and do not maintain precise azimuth. But in fairness, I am not familiar with t... 
Storing tube gear
I don't feel super strong about this, either way, but on balance I would leave the tubes installed, because the contact surfaces of empty tube sockets can oxidize or collect dirt from the air, otherwise. Definitely the most important thing is to b... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Today its freezing and raining and gray outside. I took the opportunity to re-mount the now nude TT101 back into its heavily re-enforced plinth. Lo and behold, it still works. I am keeping my fingers crossed. 
Cartridge impedance loading question
And a cool cat, too.