Responses from lewm
6922 Tubes! Geoff, Is your information about the putative benefits of refrigerator and home freezer temperatures based on real world direct experience or on what you have read elsewhere? Back when I did some reading on the physical effects of cryo treatment,... | |
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC? Dear Chakster, Your dissection of the lineage of Grace cartridges is very informative. Thank you for that. But you imply strongly that one can know how a cartridge will sound based on knowledge of its stylus shape. One would only wish this were... | |
The Palladian-A step beyond Flieb, I wish I knew what you were trying to say in your comment on males v females. And then the attribution to Neobop. Is this something once written by Neobop?Dare I respond? No one said or says that males and females are precisely equal bio... | |
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ... I don't think my throwing one more set of subjective opinions into this mix would do anyone any good, least of all the OP. However, Chakster, because you've got a ZYX 4D, do not assume you know how a UNIverse sounds. I don't own and have not hea... | |
Audio Note SUTs - Are they worth the money ? I am not sure that ALL Audio Note SUTs use silver-wired transformers. For those, you pay even bigger big bucks.A SUT or any other transformer, has no inherent impedance at all. Transformers merely reflect the impedances of whatever is attached to... | |
Audio Note SUTs - Are they worth the money ? With the ART9, you don't need much additional voltage gain from the SUT in order to drive an MM phono stage, maybe 10X would be overkill, in fact. So, if you're interested in doing this in a scientific and cost-effective manner, so far as that is ... | |
Fidelity Research FR-64 vs. FR-54 Raul, You just couldn't resist the dig about distortion-lovers, could you? Some day you may wake up and realize that your consciousness is not the only one in the universe. I hope that happens for you, soon. We are not all figments of your imagin... | |
Fidelity Research FR-64 vs. FR-54 The DA307 is liked by many. So, my opinion about the damper may hold no water. On the other hand, the FR64S (don't know about the FR64, unless you meant to refer to the 64S) is liked and admired by even more audiophiles, Raul excluded. This is n... | |
Fidelity Research FR-64 vs. FR-54 FR tonearms notwithstanding, I would point out that the Denon DA307 has a much different design flaw in and of itself: It has a flexible joint in the arm wand, interposed between the headshell and the pivot. I always thought this was a bad idea,... | |
Phoenix Engineering Falcon and Eagle Slaw, I think the only issue would revolve around Phoenix's willingness or lack thereof to service products still in warranty. To back out of that pledge could be said to be "unethical"; I would say it's more in the area of "unprincipled". Some... | |
Do you think you need a subwoofer? Tim, Was this last post intended to make the rest of us feel good about the prospects of installing and positioning four subs in a listening room? If so, it didn't work. In my case, the listening room is our living room. There is no video in th... | |
Give me a straight Doc how bad is it? Just pretend it didn't happen, and listen.For all you know, that slight bend of the cantilever was present even before you dropped the cartridge. | |
Phoenix Engineering Falcon and Eagle Out of curiosity regarding the reported price increase at Hi-Fi Heaven, I just searched their website. Apparently they sold out of Eagle, still have some Roadrunners left in stock. So, the price increase, whatever it was, did not hurt their sale... | |
Phoenix Engineering Falcon and Eagle I bought a set of RR plus Eagle from Hi-Fi Heaven, apparently before they increased pricing. For installation on my Lenco. Haven't yet found the time to do the work necessary to mount the sensor on my platter. | |
Phono preamp power cable not long enough. New wall wart or use an extension cord? Or another way of looking at it is, if you are using a wall wart in the first place, why worry about using an audiophile power cord? Get an extension cord of suitable length from Loew's, at least 16ga, and you can put this problem to rest unless ... |