
Responses from lewm

The Palladian-A step beyond
Nandric, I am relying upon my memory of what was available to audiophiles of the 1970s.  The Mark Levinson pre-preamplifier was nothing but a separate phono gain stage that did not "do" RIAA equalization; all it did was to add gain to the output f... 
How to go about getting a new arm board for a new tonearm
Sort of an extension of what Nandric said.  If no satisfaction from VPI, find a good machinist, tell him what material you want for your armboard, give him your present armboard for sizing, and let him make it.  Good choices are acrylic, delrin, a... 
The Palladian-A step beyond
What I want to know is, why are Nandric’s posts always double-spaced, whereas the rest of us only get single spacing? Could this be a hangover from his days as a professor? Does he want to leave room for us to take notes?It is interesting to read ... 
Idler-wheel drives
Did anyone notice that Jean's post dates from December, 2003?  So, did Jean himself post it or did some anonymous idler fanatic post it?  (Speaking as an idler devotee myself.)  And if it's a copy/paste from the original "da thread", why does it b... 
The Palladian-A step beyond
To keep this on track, Halcro, did you use a torque wrench on your cartridge screws?  The tension on cartridge screws can certainly affect sonics, for all the reasons you and others reiterate.  If one were to draw conclusions regarding the efficac... 
Klaudio ultrasonic cleaner - Only using distilled water?
Fellow enthusiast Rushton has published in Positive Feedback, here on the Analog Forum, and again on Vinyl Asylum, that he is using a home-made ultrasonic cleaner and his bath contains isopropanol and a nonionic detergent, diluted in distilled, de... 
Can an old Thorens Table be "Over Dampend" to the point where sound is adversely effected?
Dear Raul,I was not even thinking about "massive turntable platters" at all.For what it's worth, I was talking about the overall structure in the most general terms.  Re "lead" (the metal, Pb): I think constrained layer damping works very well bas... 
What is more accurate , the fozgometer or the diplay of the oscilloscoop
Azimuth adjustment makes very little difference to channel balance.  Azimuth adjustment is done to minimize crosstalk.  In so doing, one can target ether of two goals: (1) Equal crosstalk, L to R and R to L, or (2) Minimal crosstalk without regard... 
Can an old Thorens Table be "Over Dampend" to the point where sound is adversely effected?
This is one of those discussions where only a few of the participants are in learning mode, and the rest of us find an opportunity to trot out our own pet beliefs.  Such is the nature of this hobby, and it's fine.  So, here's my opinion: You can d... 
The Palladian-A step beyond
Folkfreak, Thank you for taking the time to post your very early observations.  Sadly, the cost is such that one cannot casually "check this cartridge out".  It's more an act of faith. After you put tens of hours on the Palladian you might then wa... 
The Palladian-A step beyond
Bluewolf, I admire your desire for peace and tranquility.  However, it's the squabbling that makes these threads interminably long, thought provoking, and occasionally funny.  Some of us some of the time have no patience with the fact that others ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
I am not at all saying that everyone else should do as I do, by the way. Just reporting a surprising observation. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Raul, Why an MC cartridge is not so sensitive to load resistance has to do with the fact that its resonant frequency is very very high, way outside the audio bandwidth, largely because its inductance is about 1000X lower than that of a typical MM ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Sampsa, Thanks for the correction. I was under the impression that both current and voltage were different, East vs West, in Japan. 
Please help! - Buy VPI Classic or keep Technics 1200
One good thing about running a low compliance cartridge in a nominally low effective mass tonearm: It's a simple matter to add mass to the tonearm.  In the crudest solution, you could simply tape a penny or a nickel to the headshell, depending upo...