Responses from lewm
Soundsmith Optimized Contour Contact Line Stylus for Rebuild RaulThe OP asked about the SS ruby cantilever with OCL stylus, and I've had a relevant experience with it. He didn't ask whether his Lyra is better than a Grace Ruby, and I didn't make that comparison. What is your problem? | |
Audiophile LP's Refence Recordings by Keith Johnson are among the best LPs ever made, and the musicians are generally superior to those recorded by Sheffield. | |
Soundsmith Optimized Contour Contact Line Stylus for Rebuild Dave, Can SS optionally install a boron cantilever with the OCL stylus? Or was that possible only because your Lyra already had a boron cantilever? | |
NAME SOME RARE AUDIO ITEMS THAT DID NOT TAKE OFF BUT SHOULD HAVE & WHY.HERE'S MY LIST The inert gas (heavier or lighter than air would seem to me to be irrelevant) permits the use of higher bias voltages on the panels and closer spacing between mylar and stators with less danger of arc-ing, but these gains, in my opinion, did not o... | |
Soundsmith Optimized Contour Contact Line Stylus for Rebuild To add to the positive sentiment, I had the OCL stylus with Ruby cantilever installed on my Grace Ruby, so the only thing different from original is the shape of the stylus tip (elliptical vs OCL). I also own a second Grace Ruby still with its OE... | |
NAME SOME RARE AUDIO ITEMS THAT DID NOT TAKE OFF BUT SHOULD HAVE & WHY.HERE'S MY LIST Servocharge, Your moniker suggests you are a big fan of Acoustat direct-drive speakers, since the Direct Drive amplifiers were referred to as "Servocharge" amplifiers. Thank you for "amplifying" on my post. I did not know that the model X was suc... | |
NAME SOME RARE AUDIO ITEMS THAT DID NOT TAKE OFF BUT SHOULD HAVE & WHY.HERE'S MY LIST Mr Wright may have been a genius, but the DW speakers always sounded to me like the music was trapped inside the gas bag struggling to get out. And high power was required. And the bag was forever leaky. Ihave no problem understanding why the Dayt... | |
Phono (0.1- 0.22mV+) or step up for LOMC? Kora, I have no doubt that your Dynaudios may sound "better" compared to some unknown comparator, when fed from your balanced equipment, whatever it is you're using, but the speakers per se are not sensitive to the nature of the signal in terms of... | |
Phono (0.1- 0.22mV+) or step up for LOMC? Korakotta, You are being pulled in all possible directions by conflicting advice from 2 or 3 of the main guys who hang around this forum. I would say there are no "wrong" answers to your questions among the myriad of responses, just opinions. Ba... | |
Cartridge Loading- Low output M/C In my experience, a very low resistive load, which puts a correspondingly heavy load on the cartridge, acts like a tone control, which is to say that as you approach the internal resistance of the cartridge itself, the treble is rolled off progres... | |
BaerWald vs VPI setup protractors melm, I wish that HW would get on this thread and confirm or modify your interpretation of what he supposedly prefers in terms of cartridge alignment. Because your description of his preference doesn't make complete sense. If one wants only a si... | |
NAME SOME RARE AUDIO ITEMS THAT DID NOT TAKE OFF BUT SHOULD HAVE & WHY.HERE'S MY LIST I thought this thread was about great vintage products that never quite made it in the marketplace. In that vein, I would add the acoustat10 electrostatic speaker that was direct drive. I heard it once in an audio store. It probably failed as a p... | |
JVC tt-101 repair Totem, No insult intended to you, but it sometimes irks me that people make authoritative statements that tend to mislead the OP. Like Gary inferred, the QL10 was a package that included a plinth (insert model name here), the TT101 chassis, and u... | |
Theory behind well tempered tonearm? Dang, You are right to wonder about the WT tonearm. It is said to have no bearing and hence zero bearing friction. But of course, it DOES have a bearing in the strict definition of the term; otherwise it could not pivot. As you mentioned, the "... | |
BaerWald vs VPI setup protractors melm, I give up. Re-read my last 3 posts. Or don't. Invictus, Lofgren A = Baerwald. So, what is your opinion now? |