Responses from lewm
Considsidering Replacing a Technics SP 10 Mk II with a MK III. Can I Expect Improvements? If you are inferring that I am going to sell my MK3 in order to buy a 10R, I don't know where you got that idea, and you are wrong. I'm pretty much done with spending on audio. | |
Allnic, Herron or Tavish choice? The Chinook qualifies based on an output impedance of "91 ohms", per the factory. However, it only affords one pair of phono inputs. You probably need to think about a solid state phono stage to work well with the Krell. | |
Allnic, Herron or Tavish choice? Al, Very good point about the input impedance of one of those older Krell preamplifiers. Something was bugging me about matching the Krell with a tube phono stage, but I didn't put my finger on it. Yes, the Steelhead has a very low output impeda... | |
Considsidering Replacing a Technics SP 10 Mk II with a MK III. Can I Expect Improvements? I doubt that the sonic difference between a Mk3 and a 10R would be worth arguing about. However, that makes no difference to the marketplace. I am sure there is and will be hysteria about the 10R causing a flood of mk3's into the market which wi... | |
Allnic, Herron or Tavish choice? Musky, If what you say is true, I am wrong. Now I think of it, you're probably correct. The only restriction with both of those units would be that you've got to run one MM and one MC (or one high output and one low output cartridge), not two of... | |
Allnic H-3000 hum when mute button engaged. Forgot to note that your Shindo stuff is strictly single-ended. So I don't know whether you can really do true balanced mode, to test the function of the switch. (I am not even sure how the Allnic achieves balanced output. It might be via a tra... | |
Allnic H-3000 hum when mute button engaged. Calvin, Do you live on the East Coast, USA? If so, I can strongly recommend Bill Thalmann in Springfield, VA. Bill is a fine person and smart repair guy who is completely honest. | |
Allnic H-3000 hum when mute button engaged. Speaking of interconnects, can you say more about your other components? Are you running the H3000 in balanced or SE mode? Is the hum in both channels? (I assumed so, since you probably would have mentioned it if the hum was in only one channel.) ... | |
Considsidering Replacing a Technics SP 10 Mk II with a MK III. Can I Expect Improvements? I answered your question on VA. In sum, the Mk3 is far superior to the Mk2. But as I noted over there, before you compare any vintage DD to any other vintage DD, make sure that both turntables are running up to snuff. This means making sure that... | |
Allnic, Herron or Tavish choice? You'd have to get the Allnic H3000 at least, in order to get that feature in an Allnic phono stage, unless the H1201 can do it. (I'm not sure.) The H3000 is around $12,000 new, or about $7,000 used. So far as I know, the Herron only accommodates ... | |
Top 5 Tonearms Newer or Vintage Under 2500 That Will Beat anything above/below 2.5k? "VTA adjustment on the fly" is perhaps the most over-stated feature of any tonearm. Who here has ever tried to adjust VTA while playing an LP, which is presumably the meaning of the term? Unless you don't care about the LP or the cantilever, this... | |
Allnic H-3000 hum when mute button engaged. Sorry for the brevity of my first response to your question about how to open up the case of the H3000. I was typing on my iPhone. I have no idea of your level of knowledge and experience when it comes to working on audio equipment, so that respon... | |
Allnic H-3000 hum when mute button engaged. NoI've never been near an h3000you need a pro | |
Allnic H-3000 hum when mute button engaged. Check grounding of the switch inside the unit. It sounds like engaging the switch causes the Allnic to lose contact with ground. It should be a simple fix. | |
cartridges Grado TLZ was my first really "great" cartridge, back in the 80s. I still have it but don't use it. I thought there was something "special" about the cantilever and/or stylus. Is there a modern day replacement assembly that preserves the excell... |