
Responses from lewm

Valve phono stage
Chakster, perhaps your problem is that you have been into an NOS vintage tube equipment and maybe not into the best modern tube equipment. And for sure another problem is that you are conflating phono stages with amplifiers. In my opinion, the out... 
How much isopropanol is effective but safe for viny?
Invictus, I don’t necessarily agree with your thesis that 98% isopropyl alcohol would not damage a record even after a prolonged exposure to it. But in practice this would never happen in my house anyway. 
Phono Preamp Recommendations
Chakster, I thought you were going to try a Nelson Pass phono stage next. Because ss is so great. The Xono Phono is generally $1500 to $2k used, but I think his latest designs are much better. 
Phono Preamp Recommendations
Chakster, I thought you were going to try a Nelson Pass phono stage next. Because ss is so great. The Xono Phono is generally $1500 to $2k used, but I think his latest designs are much better. 
Valve phono stage
Raul, The OP ASKED about “valve” phono stages, preferably balanced ones. In case you don’t know, valve means tube. So naturally the discussion has been about tube or valve phono stages. And your gross generalizations only reveal your own obsession. 
Valve phono stage
bpoletti, I don't think you are qualified to argue "facts" with Ralph.  The fact that you don't know when you are over your head is only further proof of that. He's too nice a guy to tell you. 
How much isopropanol is effective but safe for viny?
Yep, I am sure you do consult the Dick Doctor. I've already asked, what are your "facts"?  State your case.  My own "arrogance" is based on trying to find the truth, only.  If I were to find well conducted science that proves your point, I would b... 
How much isopropanol is effective but safe for viny?
I found this, from an article written by a chemist:"Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions related to plasticizers – for example, about phthalates “leaching out” and “easily dispersing/gassing out” from PVC products. This is actually unlikel... 
How much isopropanol is effective but safe for viny?
bpoletti, After a search of the scientific literature to support your claim (which I have heard before this) that alcohol removes plasticizers from LPs and could by that mechanism damage them, I found exactly one reference, which is contained in a... 
So far, Helomech offered the most cogent point.  Make sure your turntable does not have sintered bronze bearings, by all means.  And then don't use the stuff regardless.Friction in a piston engine, which lives at very high piston velocities and wh... 
Grado Labratory Wood Tonearm? 3 questions: Keep it? Sell It? Burn it?
I have no first hand experience with the Grado tonearm, but I doubt that it is much more of an antique than the SME 3009.  Being "vintage" does not per se mean a tonearm is no good or irrelevant.  Tonearm design really has not changed much in many... 
Walker Audio SST silver paste works,too, but that’s a different application. 
Miguel, I think the same cautionary notes apply.  In this case, you'd want to know that the sealer does not interact with the actual lubricant in a bad way.  Anyway, for a turntable bearing, I would also wonder why sealing the pores in the metal p... 
Valve phono stage
oholter, you have an advantage on me, because you have owned and aesthetics Io and I have not. However everything I can find on the Internet about it suggests that the phono circuit is balanced, contrary to what you say above. Do you know differen... 
Mr. M, I will answer the question you posed to EBM by referring you to my post just above which mentions that an unknown complex lubricant might contain additives that could be corrosive for the ball bearing or the thrust pad. To know whether that...