
Responses from lewm

Denon DP-60L?
Sorry if my first post was a bit caustic.  I would say that you got the DP60L at a very fair price, for $300.  I would say that if you were to spend another $300 or so on it, in order to put it into tip top condition, that would not be a bad inves... 
The nightmare of the cartridge buyer...
Why not drop the term "rip-off" and all its grammatical variants? It makes you sound too much like that other guy who thinks everything in his audio system is a rip-off. (I won't name names, but you know who I mean.) You could say that buying an... 
The nightmare of the cartridge buyer...
Davey, Dave Garretson gave you very sound advice. I never realized there were so many whiners here. Suck it up! We’re lucky to be affluent. 
Denon DP-60L?
Who is “they”?do the recap.do you notice that “I don’t want to put too much in it” and “I’d like to get many more years out of it” are internally contradictory?The capacitors are cheap. Many of the parts they protect are not cheap and are sometime... 
Tonearms: Ripoff?
Wrote, not “Road”. 
Tonearms: Ripoff?
Folkfreak, if what you say is true about the cost of the 12 inch SAT tonearm, then one really ought to buy one as soon as possible. Because at its current rate of appreciation, it is a great investment. Every time anyone writes about it, the cost ... 
Ortofon Super OM40 compliance and tonearm match (I'm getting crazy with the numbers)
Keep in mind that the effective mass of the tonearm should include the weight of the headshell, the mounting screws, and of the cartridge body itself. Given that that is the case, I find your estimate of the effective mass of 7.5 g to be probably ... 
Best MM?
In this hobby, I try to avoid the categorical statement (like "all MC cartridges are superior to all MM cartridges", or vice-versa), and I am suspicious of categorical statements put forth by anyone else.  Therefore I would say that a $15K cartrid... 
Counterfeit DL103?
Perhaps you make a valid point.  The incident I described occurred about 5 or more years ago.  Maybe Paypal is offering better protection these days. 
Counterfeit DL103?
Chakster, We’ve had this discussion (about the "protection" afforded by Paypal) before. I am glad you found them to be helpful. The one time I needed to resort to Paypal for help with a dishonest seller, they were worthless. In fact, the Paypal re... 
Zerostat Milty really?
One of the most fascinating findings reported by Shure in their 1978 white paper on static is that static attraction can spuriously increase VTF by as much as 3/8 of a gram (0.375 gm).  So, you may not "hear" the static, but that is a significant ... 
Best MM?
Dear Chakster,  I was reading a very interesting white paper on static electricity and vinyl reproduction, published by Shure in 1978, when I came across this very interesting comment on the use of exotic metals in cantilever construction.  Of cou... 
Zerostat Milty really?
Spincat, Many thanks for finding and posting this wonderful article on static and vinyl.  It clears up most of the issues we have been discussing, and it does so with a valid scientific approach. It was published back in 1978, back in the day when... 
Counterfeit DL103?
I'm with Viridian.  It doesn't make sense to counterfit a DL103.  If you're going to all the effort required to make a counterfit cartridge that actually does work (and sounds at least decent too), then why not just give it a name and charge the v... 
Zerostat Milty really?
I think it would be incorrect to think of static electricity as either plus or minus, for that matter, because it depends upon where you stand.  My only point was that one outside surface has a relative paucity of electrons whereas the other surfa...