
Responses from lewm

Are 500 hours too many for a used hi-end cartridge?
My approach, if I were to be tempted to buy an expensive used cartridge where the seller estimates as much as 500 hours of use, would be to suggest to the seller that the cartridge should be evaluated for stylus wear, etc, by a competent third par... 
VTA on the fly
Ralph(Atma-sphere), I agree on the Triplanar, but I’m not sure why you think I needed to know how to adjust VTA on the TP. As you know, I’ve owned mine since the early 90s, at least. Built by Herb Papier in his basement factory. But I also these d... 
Victor TT 801
It’s silly to argue about this. Obviously a swollen or leaky cap has to be replaced. By “leaky” we mean both electrically (leaks DC voltage) or physically (leaks fluid). I can’t recall what happens to the capacitance of those tiny types with value... 
Victor TT 801
What increases when lyrics age is ESR. The capacitance per se most often falls based on my experience with my Sencore L75 meter. Anyway I was speaking of PS capacitors only. If they have aged sufficiently to alter DCV delivered to the servo, etc, ... 
VTA on the fly
Nope. I agree you didn’t claim to have golden ears. And yep, when you change vta all those other parameters change, but my point is that a tiny change in vta such as might be expected by a half turn on a micrometer type vta adjuster would likely m... 
What was wrong with the P-mount ?
Technically, I suppose you are correct, bimasta. The term Pmount  probably should be reserved for that one kind of mount. The B&o mounts are different as I already said and you’ve reiterated. Fair enough. 
Koetsu Urushi opinions?
I am very biased in favor of my Koetsu Urushi.  I purchased it new in Tokyo, about 8-9 years ago, in the belief that I had Nirvana within my grasp.  My system has changed a great deal over the course of my ownership of the Urushi.  I was not blown... 
VTA on the fly
Or the change in VTF and overhang are so miniscule, when you turn the micrometer typically used to alter VTA on an "on the fly" tonearm by only 180 degrees, as to be inaudible even to a pair of Golden Ears such as your own.  I actually doubt that ... 
Direct Drive vs. Idler Drive vs. Belt drive
I bought a very early version of the Hyperspace, from one of their dealers in Florida with whom I never met.  When it arrived, I was chagrined to note the absence of that nice graphite-like mat.  I complained to the dealer, and his response was th... 
Direct Drive vs. Idler Drive vs. Belt drive
Nottingham Hyperspace has or had a very thick mat that appears to be graphite in photos, about one inch thick. 
VTA on the fly
Perhaps he had no idea of "the advantages of VTA on the fly", but your story as told doesn't prove that, if you made your adjustment surreptitiously.  Do you know approximately how far the pivot moves when you make a half turn adjustment of VTA?  ... 
Victor TT 801
Chak, No one is infallible.  I was just pulling your leg, as we say in English.  The TT801 should not perform any better than a TT101 except by virtue of its vacuum mat.  The fact that it uses ICs in lieu of some discrete transistors found in the ... 
Victor TT 801
So my original hunch that the 801 could be a 101 that uses more ICs and fewer transistors now looks to have been correct . But chakster was so certain the electronics were from the 81....Replacing the electrolytics in the PS should not necessitate... 
How good is the Micro Seiki DDX-1000 Direct Drive turntable ?
950 for sale on audio asylum. $8000 with phono built in and tonearm. Looks very fine. Floor-standing, so shipping from Singapore might be problematic. 
Herron VTSP-2a vs EAR 324
It doesn't have to be all tubes vs all SS.  There are several hybrid designs that use discrete transistors in conjunction with tubes to achieve high gain with low noise.  Manley makes two such phono stages, but there are more.