
Responses from lewm

McIntosh C 47 phono stage versus the Herron phono.
Or any used, discontinued Allnic, from the 1201 up, that may be less expensive.  With all due respect to the guy who said it, I do not believe the older tube Mac preamps compete with the Herron, but my experience is with the stock units.  He menti... 
Azimuth 2020
I think what can happen, if azimuth is set at any angle different from 90 degrees, is that as you raise or lower the VTA. the contact points of the stylus, depending upon stylus shape, might alter their contact with the groove and certainly the di... 
Technics Compact Linear Trackers, SL-__; SL-Q____ Vertical SL-V5. ADVICE PLEASE
I apologize for being so dogmatic.  If you are patient and follow the listings on a site like Hifido English, eventually you will find what you want.  But if you find one elsewhere, that's fine too.  I was only trying to channel you in a good dire... 
How Long Did It Take You To Build Your Dream Setup?
30-35 years. 
Technics Compact Linear Trackers, SL-__; SL-Q____ Vertical SL-V5. ADVICE PLEASE
I still say you should try to find one in Japan or Hong Kong, from a reputable dealer who is experienced in mail order business. That way you are unlikely to be coming back to this forum in a few months asking how you can get your damaged Technics... 
Turntable power supply/motor’s role in SQ for belt drive TT
In two separate experiences, I have found that a motor controller, with or without a feedback mechanism, dramatically improved the performance of a belt-drive and an idler-drive turntable.  First was with a Nottingham Analog Hyperspace for which I... 
Technics Compact Linear Trackers, SL-__; SL-Q____ Vertical SL-V5. ADVICE PLEASE
And the added bonus is that it is quite likely to be free of Coronavirus, coming as it does from NZ. 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Feet are like religion; everyone has his favorite.  I'm not a particular fan of the AT616, but is 250GBP similar to the cost of a component for any of us crazies?  I would have thought not. 
TechDAS lll experience
The Grand Prix Monaco has been around for quite a while, maybe a whole decade.  It has not made a big splash in the turntable world. What I don't love about it is the rather small plinth and the carbon fiber. I have a bias that CF causes a kind of... 
TechDAS lll experience
I am not intimately familiar with the Techdas Airforce line of turntables, but I have seen a few photos of the AF3.  My only criticism from 30,000 feet is that it hangs the tonearm off a peg, like the old M-S designs. Indeed, one of the owners who... 
Azimuth 2020
terry9, I had the exact same experience with my Koetsu Urushi.  After I first acquired it about 10 years ago, I adjusted azimuth using my Signet Cartridge Analyzer.  There I first noted that "equal" crosstalk and "least" crosstalk are two mutually... 
What's a better choice? Manley Steelhead Phono or Audio Research Reference 2SE Phono?
Steelhead has 3 pairs of phono inputs, not just 2.  If that matters.  If balanced output is important to you, I would check whether the AR unit has a true balanced output or just a balanced out derived from its inherently SE circuitry.  In the lat... 
Azimuth 2020
Fuzztone,  I find it's most enlightening when two or more people openly disagree and then have a civil discussion, preferably backed up by facts in support of one position or another.  It's fine to disagree, in my opinion.  It's better not to be n... 
TechDAS lll experience
Reading the posts about the AF3P on what’s best forum kind of reminds me of being eight years old, in the 50s, when one could take the box top off a package of cold cereal and order a Lone Ranger Marshall’s  badge which had a built-in whistle on t... 
Please see my post on your other thread covering this same subject. I recommend you check out “hifido” in Japan as a reputable source for this turntable. They will ship it right to your doorstep with no problems. To obtain an English translated ve...