Responses from lewm
Newbie help - Building a system from scratch dekay, I mentioned the very same issues related to the room, just one post above yours. We agree. | |
Newbie help - Building a system from scratch In addition to the idea of ordering speakers you can return, look to see whether there are any local audiophile societies or groups in your area, and then go listen to as many different systems as possible, before you start ordering speakers you m... | |
Is a Linn Sondek LP12/Lingo/Ekos with a Cirkus update, the last turntable I’ll ever buy? I don’t want to pile on top of the heap of LP 12 naysayers, but I guess I will in a way. Regarding the metaphor comparing the LP 12 to a Ferrari, I would say it is more apt to compare the LP 12 to a Morgan sports car. Still doggedly being built in... | |
Proteus compared to MSL ultra eminent ex Just in general, Ortofon over Clearaudio. But that's just me. The Ortofon cartridges in general give you a better bang for the buck, tend to be more neutral in tonal balance. The better CA cartridges are expensive and tend (I say "tend") to sou... | |
Proteus compared to MSL ultra eminent ex I always go by a guideline that says to buy the second costliest version of any line of similar product from any one company. The second costliest is usually quite a bit less expensive than the top of the line and usually has all of its major fea... | |
Proteus compared to MSL ultra eminent ex Speaking of the Proteus, what’s happened to TransfIguration the brand in the US? | |
Is a Linn Sondek LP12/Lingo/Ekos with a Cirkus update, the last turntable I’ll ever buy? Davey, I don’t know how Linn could rebut what is after all nothing but a dissenting opinion in the first place. So they are wise to keep mum. Their products represent the sum total of a set of opinions first formulated by Tiefenbrun. | |
How do you install a 12" VPI armboard for 12" Unipivot on a VPI Classic 3 - Thanks :-) I might guess that at least some of the improvement you are hearing is due to replacing that “slightly wobbly “spindle. | |
Honest question about cartridge vs. turntable performance. Mijo, I don’t disagree with your general principles, except as regards the prime importance of speed constancy, which I emphasize more than you, apparently. But then you come down to recommending the Star Sapphire, a spring suspended belt drive. ... | |
Why Do 12" Tonearms Cost So Much More Than 9"? Lingo, Yes, it is wrong for a true audiophile to be happy, ever. Now you've figured that out, you can become a member of the club. We meet with Dr. Kevorkian once a month. | |
Phono stage hum - Rega Aria As your own description suggests, it is not the MC cartridge that brings in RFI, it is the high gain phono stage required to amplify the signal from a low output MC that is often the culprit (or the RF can get in via your AC cord or the ICs from c... | |
Has anyone heard the new Audio Technica AT-OC9X series of cartridges? Headshells make a sonic difference, so in the extreme case of audiophile nervosa one would select a headshell not just based on its weight but also based on the materials of which it is made, which affects the sound quality. Therefore, you might ... | |
Path of signal from turn table to speaker I think I now understand the source of your confusion. I looked up the Cambridge audio CXA 81, which you say is your amplifier. The product is an integrated amplifier of the type I just described. It incorporates a line stage and an amplifier on o... | |
Path of signal from turn table to speaker There is one more variant that probably ought to be mentioned. There are also products called integrated amplifiers. An integrated amplifier can sometimes contain a phono stage, a line stage, and an amplifier, all in one box. Other integrated ampl... | |
Path of signal from turn table to speaker Mijo, was it really necessary to further confuse the OP? It’s fine to know that you have a analog system that incorporates digital processing and/or is controlled by a digital processor. We all understand that, but it most likely will confuse the ... |