
Responses from lewm

Help me understand compliance!
In Korf’s #5, too low a compliance for a given effective mass is the same condition as #6, too high an effective mass for a given compliance, etc, yet he posits very different outcomes in #5 vs #6. Same for the converse conditions he describes. 
My new to me Herron VTPH-2A - First impressions
If it is really "passive", then one must take into consideration the output impedance of the driving stage and the input impedance of the driven stage. In my own mind, "passive" means no active devices in the circuit. However, since it comes from ... 
Turntable matching to MC or MM cart.
There is no need whatsoever to match turntable and cartridge.  Matching tonearms and cartridges is worth doing and requires experimentation, which is why some of us crazies own so many tonearms. Where the tonearm(s) use a detachable headshell, hav... 
My new to me Herron VTPH-2A - First impressions
If you seem to have sufficient gain when running the Herron directly into your amplifier, then you might consider either a passive attenuator to insert between them or an active stage that itself adds no gain.  The passive attenuator requires a go... 
Phoenix Eagle Versions?
If it’s an "Eagle", it’s 25W by definition. If it’s 15W, it was called a "Falcon". Also, Bill Carlin is easy to reach by email, and he will give you the definitive answers.  Now maybe there were early versions of Eagle that could produce only 15W,... 
Electrovoice Duchess IV in California
Dear Elliott, I feel misunderstood. In your OP, you seemed to be asking for input on whether you should purchase said Electrovoice speakers. I responded by detailing all the possible problems you might encounter, and my response was tempered by yo... 
Technics moving all turntable production to Malaysia
Artemis, Japanese motorcycles (Honda and Kawasaki) made a mark for high quality and speed in the US by the early to mid 60s, which predated the influx of Datsuns and Toyotas that came in the late 60s/early 70s. By then”made in japan “ was no longe... 
All record weights the same ?
Chak, are you sure it’s good advice to say categorically that 900g, about two pounds, is ok for any DD turntable? Especially when MS made it for their belt driven high end tables? I agree with Raul that a screw on or clamp type is to be preferred ... 
plinth for tts8000
Back when I undertook to make a slate plinth, it was originally for my Lenco, only.  This must have been at least 15 years ago, and there was a "thing" going on about slate plinths, over on Lenco Lovers, or whatever the website is called. OMA made... 
plinth for tts8000
best-groove, Perhaps the WT turntable sounds good in your system.  I have a history of finding fault with the WT tonearm. I won't reiterate here.Artemus, You wrote, "However After doing a lot of testing with various footer materials, there are ma... 
plinth for tts8000
I actually made, or had made for me, slate-based plinths for the DP80, the Lenco idler, and the SP10 Mk3.  Before that, I also made a slate plinth for an SP10 Mk2, now sold along with the Mk2.  These projects were done one by one, not all at the s... 
I have a serious phobia problem with cleaning records
Believe it or not, I totally agree with MC. If the OP is serious, he should seek help. If he is joking, OK it’s not that bad a joke. Personally, I am very relaxed about whether I clean an LP or not. I own a VPIHW 17, but I use it infrequently.On t... 
Help me understand compliance!
The matching of cartridge compliance to tonearm effective mass is quite "plastic", in that there is a lot of room to make them match, if you use the standard goal of achieving a resonant frequency of 8 to 12Hz.  Plus, in the modern era, we are inu... 
Technics moving all turntable production to Malaysia
I am surprised no one else has remarked about it, but there was a time when "Made in Japan" was a common joke and a slur on the product, here in the US, probably for about 10-15 years following the end of WW2, when Japan was trying to get back on ... 
The Lifespan of an LP?
That’s what she said, Russ.