
Responses from lewm

Voltage mode vs current mode phono stages
Dover did not mention what current driven device he is using, so far as I can see.  However, he did say he feeds its output to the phono section of a Marantz 7 preamplifier.  That suggests he is using one of the very few available outboard devices... 
Voltage mode vs current mode phono stages
Ledoux, First, thanks for being one of the first among us to make a direct comparison and to report on your result.  You wrote, "The tube/ voltage mode phono sounds more vivid, the SS current mode sounds more warm and relaxing." It's a matter of ... 
Voltage mode vs current mode phono stages
boothroyd, Apart from the fact that SoundSmith are the only company that currently market LOMI cartridges, what was your point?  Have you tried to drive a current mode phono stage with an SS LOMI?  Thanks.  
Low Output MC recommendations?
Or see if you can find a Denon DL-S1. Or for a bit more money an Audio Technics ART9Xa or i.  
Pigskin or jico leather mat
No problemo.  
Pigskin or jico leather mat
I have never tried a leather or pigskin mat on my Victor TT101, or on any other turntables, so I am not among those who recommend them. However, I am sure that such mats might be excellent. I use an SAEC SS300 mat on my TT101. Considering the ver... 
What trans (SUT) for a Victor mc-5E cartridge?
Raul, I can only hope that you get some help for your hostility. Did you notice that I agree with you on a choice of SUT? Perhaps you are the one who either does not read or does not fully understand. You need a certain amount of signal voltage to... 
What trans (SUT) for a Victor mc-5E cartridge?
I just checked the specifications of the Denon AU 340 transformer. I agree it would be a good choice for the OP, if he will have enough total gain with just a 1 to 10 step up ratio. Using the 40 ohm inputs of the transformer, a gain ratio of 1 to ... 
What trans (SUT) for a Victor mc-5E cartridge?
Dear Raul, please reread my post. Transformers have no impedance per se. My point is that with the peculiar nature of this cartridge, having a low output and a high internal resistance, the choices of gain ratio are limited to around 1 to 10 or ma... 
What trans (SUT) for a Victor mc-5E cartridge?
Because MM phono stages vary quite a bit in the amount of phono gain they provide, from 39db for the Ypsilon to 50db for the Manley Steelhead, just to name two extreme examples. Then there is the fact that the OP wants to amplify a cartridge that ... 
What trans (SUT) for a Victor mc-5E cartridge?
What phono stage?  
Voltage mode vs current mode phono stages
 Not too sure how LOMI cartridges would work into a current driven phono, because of their high-ish inductance. Have you tried it? Or has anyone?  
Phono Stage upgrade to complement Dohmann Helix One Mk 2
Since you are the sole repository of "common sense", in your opinion, and since your opinions are all over this thread, why would you say there is no common sense here? I shouldn't bother to respond, but I cannot resist pointing out that I said n... 
Phono Stage upgrade to complement Dohmann Helix One Mk 2
Fremer is listening without measuring. Atkinson is measuring without critical listening. Thus they offer two entirely different perspectives. The reader needs to make up his own mind based on the total information. This sidebar has nothing to do ... 
Phono Stage upgrade to complement Dohmann Helix One Mk 2
Specifically, I have found that I favor OTL tube amplifiers to drive full-range ESL speakers.  This category does not include conventional transformer coupled tube amplifiers.  Why add another coupling transformer where it is not needed? A further...