
Responses from lewm

Headshell suggestion for my Pioneer PL600 (dir drive)?
Arche is an outlier for cost and probably very heavy so mostly suitable for low compliance MCs. As you know, the vast majority of headshells can be had for less than $250, usually much less. Sorry about your high frequencies. We’ve aired this dis... 
Headshell suggestion for my Pioneer PL600 (dir drive)?
Who woulda thunk that we’d ever come full circle from a disdain for detachable headshells to a preference for same? Where the respective rationales are polar opposites. The headshell ought to match the cartridge, not the tonearm and certainly not... 
Moving magnet hum
Yeah, we bought a hamster, and he's hard at work running on the wheel which drives a flashlight bulb.  Tesla told me about it.  
Moving magnet hum
By the same token, I have some older AT's that don't have a ground tab.  Back in the dinosaur era, I used to own Shure V15s... Don't recall any of them having a ground tab.  But we didn't have electricity yet back then, either.  So I may not have ... 
Moving magnet hum
To the best of my knowledge, only a very few cartridges have one of the two "ground" pins connected to tonearm ground and hence to earth ground.  Decca and early Grado come to mind.  Certainly there may be others. So, Yogiboy, what "ground tab" ar... 
OK, who is buying one?
I'm not in the market, but I am curious about the looks of the new Linn.  Several persons have commented to the effect it has rounded corners, yet the only photos I've seen, e.g., in the URL above, show what purports to be the new special edition ... 
Moving magnet hum
Most cartridges don’t have a “ground tab”. The 4 pins are used as hot and ground, respectively, in each of two channels in a SE connection.  But in a balanced connection to a balanced phono stage, the ground pins deliver the negative phase of the ... 
Is a PTP Solid 12 (Lenco) worthy of a $5k cartridge
Better to say exactly what parts you bought and tell something about the vendor. You can’t source parts from Peter Reinders direct? What makes you question Fixpart?  
The new Linn LP12 50th Anniversary edition
What is the functional and practical difference between a $45K TT and a $60K TT? To my mind, at those price points emotion alone governs choice, or should do. If there are measurable differences, the inferior unit has no business costing even $45K.  
MM or MI Cartridge?
Wolfie, Good point about the relationship between hysteresis and core material, or lack of same. But to my observation, the three types do group well apart from each other if you base it on inductance. LOMCs are always much less than 100uH (micro-... 
Solid State Phono Stages
I’m just questioning the semantics. If a hook is a design element that leads to exceptional neutrality, then it ought not to be analogized to a guitar amplifier, which is deliberately designed not to be neutral. If I were designing a tube amp for ... 
My turntable sounds like the speed is too slow
First get hold of an inexpensive strobe or use the cell phone app and verify that it’s running slow and how slow. To check for belt slip, make a mark on the platter and the belt, eg, using a magic marker, and see if the two marks stay aligned as ... 
MM or MI Cartridge?
Forgot also to mention typical compliance numbers that might affect response time. MCs typically exhibit lowest compliance. The exceptional MCs that exhibit higher than average compliance are the ones I like best.  
MM or MI Cartridge?
Moving coil cartridges do indeed have the lowest inductance of any of the three types, by far, but they also have the highest moving mass. Moving iron type cartridges have the lowest moving mass on average. MM types are somewhere in between. There... 
Solid State Phono Stages
So a hook is a characteristic coloration that pleases the listener(?) Because electric guitars are deliberately distorted at the source.