
Responses from lcherepkai

DAC recommendations--Auralic Vega vs Audio Alchemy DDP 1---others w/remote volume control?
The reviews are all glowing for the AA DDP 1/PS 5.  How does the DAC compare to the sound of the Raysonic 228?  I'm using a quad of the orange globe Amperex 6DJ8's. 
difference between Kappa Emit series I and series II
Thanks guys for the input.  I was watching a movie (a lousy old movie called Spawn) that had a lot of high frequency energy during an explosion.  It took out the tweeters and you could actually see tiny trails of smoking coming from them.  I've do... 
Tubes most likely to improve SQ?
I had a pair of the VAS Citation II amps a few yrs ago with mostly the same tube compliment.  Swapping out the stock tubes made a huge difference although that will depend on other bottlenecks in your system.  I thought the Psvane 6CA7 (el34) were... 
Pondering a change after 30 odd years...
I've heard but never had the 1+1 but did own 2+2 with medallion transformers driven by both Threshold SA4e and Krell KSA100S.  Source was a Theta Miles directly into the amp.  The system did a lot of things right and was able to pull out a lot of ... 
Looking for professional made gainclones or chip amps recommendations
Pragmasi----I might seek a stateside amp builder but, if you would ship to the US and build for 110v, please let me know.  Thank you. 
Looking for professional made gainclones or chip amps recommendations
Nonoise-----I looked at the Clonesaudio website and was dismayed to see no amps available.  It would be great if they were making new amps.  And the Moonriver 404 looks interesting but honestly, overkill for my tastes.  I haven't used a preamp in ... 
Looking for professional made gainclones or chip amps recommendations
teo audio---thanks for taking the time to respond.  I wouldn't be at all surprised if you're assertion isn't correct.  It sounds reasonable and you obviously more to draw upon than I do in experience and knowledge but I'd be content with an excell... 
Need highly transparent detailed amp---how does Pass XA25 compare to Gamut D100/D200 MKIII
atmosphere-----thanks for all the insight.  Truly useful info here is a rare commodity.  And funny you should mention the H/K Citation II as I had a pair of a modern rethinking of that classic design in monoblock form, the VAS Citation II's.  Thes... 
Need highly transparent detailed amp---how does Pass XA25 compare to Gamut D100/D200 MKIII
gato?  I haven't heard that one.  I'll look into it.  Thank you 
Need highly transparent detailed amp---how does Pass XA25 compare to Gamut D100/D200 MKIII
atmosphere---the 45w my JAS Array 2.1 puts out is about the minimum I could use and get the sound levels I want.  I've had 2 of these amps and love the liquid midrange and the palpable 3 dimensional images and everything else I've heard has sounde... 
Need highly transparent detailed amp---how does Pass XA25 compare to Gamut D100/D200 MKIII
kairosman ---funny you should mention the Kinki integrated.  I looked into it (and still consider it for a secondary system).  I don't like active preamps though (nor passive I guess---source direct only for me).   I've been considering trading in... 
Need highly transparent detailed amp---how does Pass XA25 compare to Gamut D100/D200 MKIII
tweak1   what is a Voyager GaN amp?  Years ago I swallowed the cool aid to quickly and traded in a JAS Array 2.1 SET for a new Wyred4Sound ST-500 there at Underwood.  I read the review of how great Class D was and it was a huge disappointment.  Th... 
Need highly transparent detailed amp---how does Pass XA25 compare to Gamut D100/D200 MKIII
That's certainly an option and in the same used price range.  I just hate paying practically list price for a used item.  With these and the Tektons, it makes more sense to buy new.  Thanks for the recommendation.  I'll certainly keep it in mind. 
Anyway to use the DAC in an integrated cd player with an outboard transport?
I'm looking for a shop in Indy to check the player.  Last time, I took it to Deltronics in Chicago along with a Consonance Droplet 5.0.  They sorta fixed the Consonance but it never work 100% again so I sold it as-is.  I'm inquiring with Audio Sol... 
Anyway to use the DAC in an integrated cd player with an outboard transport?
chayro-----yeah, you're offering good advice and I appreciate it.  I've been kicking around the idea of picking up an Auralic Vega as I'm a detail junkie and never use preamps so....  still, the Raysonic is just lovely to listen to.  Oh well, than...