
Responses from lcherepkai

Anyway to use the DAC in an integrated cd player with an outboard transport?
Is there a way to modify the unit to output a signal to another transport?  That certainly is a smart feature in the Luxmans and Marantzs you mentioned. 
Anyone know a good place to have pre-Compli Theta transports worked on?
I'll look into that minorl.   Thank you very much. 
Anyone know a good place to have pre-Compli Theta transports worked on?
bdp24----I don't actually have a Theta transport yet.  I owned the Miles back in the day and it was a fine player so I thought I'd look into their transports as I'll be needing one soon.  I'd just like to know someone services them competently.  T... 
Anyway to use the DAC in an integrated cd player with an outboard transport?
So, if the player has an input for use with an outboard DAC, then the onboard DAC can be used with another transport?  Is that what you're saying?  And if yes, how?  Thanks 
Bridged amps
Granted what I'm relating to you is regards to bridged integrated amplifiers but it may apply.  I had a single Pathos Classic MK III and it sounded quite good but I read that a bridged pair took a sonic leap forward and the single amp really was o... 
can I drive Firstwatt amps directly from the source?
Thanks very kindly for the response George.  I tried this with an Aleph 5 clone a few yrs back with DIY speakers in the mid 90's as far as efficiency and had to run the volume all the way up to get moderate output.  Glad to hear it should work bet... 
need good minimalist preamp or headphone amp to actively drive woofers in a biamp setup
UPDATE----I've been using a very simple Kingrex preamp for about a yr now.  I run the upper bass, mids, and tweeters directly from the source into the amp and send the bass through the Kingrex preamp then to the amp.  This allows me to tailor the ... 
Still trying to find a new PC
Another possibility, if you like the sound you presently have but you just want to expand on the qualities you mentioned, is to replace the AC plugs.  Many aftermarket power cords, even some expensive ones, use rather lousy AC plugs.  I experiment... 
IeGo Power Connectors
I wouldn't call the F-50 a similar offering as it costs more than twice as much as the 8095.  The only Furutech plug I tried was the FI-25 (gold) and I like the IeGO 8085 much better.  I would consider the 8095 on par with the Oyaide 004 and 046 b... 
IeGo Power Connectors
I've used them all except the copper 8055.  I've also had Oyaide 046, 004, and 079 and the Furutech FI 25.  I used them on Sunny Cables P600 power cords and later on DIY cable from Mundorf and some very nice vintage silver plate solid core copper ... 
Holy Brightness Batman! 
Holy Brightness Batman!
I bought a pair of custom/DIY speakers several years ago.  They have a similar design to Legacy Focus and use Eton metal dome mids and tweeters which are highly detailed and can be BRIGHT!  These speakers replaced Von Schweikert VR 4 Gen II and ki... 
Recommendation for an audiophile speaker cord that is not "bright"?
If you like the cables in general but find the brightness an issue, you might try different plugs.  The top of line IEGO 8095 is rhodium over silver and this plug has had a smoothing effect in my system.  My speakers use Eton metal dome mids/tweet... 
Which amp is better for my system
I've had both amps and actually followed the Threshold with a Classe 25 (rather than the 15 you mention).  I used a Theta Miles run directly into the amp and speakers were original Martin Logan Aerius followed by Acoustat 2+2 with the blue medalli... 
Cambridge 851C vs Oppo 205
I don't have a 205 but I do have a Modwright  BPD 83SE with the outboard tubed power supply.  The 6SN7's are the Psvane CV-181 and the 5AR4 is some huge Russian variant.  I had a Cambridge 851C and extensively compared the two sans preamp into a C...