Responses from lazarus28
Best Sounding Recording really, slappy?!? on my system, it's well-engineered only as far as stereo effects go. beyond that, you can hear all of the digital alterations to his voice, there's no depth whatsoever, it all has a very plastic sound to it. don't get me wrong, i... | |
Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better? to further carify - the dcc2 only decodes 2 channel dsd, the dac6 decodes 6.the ONLY differences between the dac6 and the dac6e is that the dac6e has balanced and unbalanced outputs (the dac6 only has 1 set of balanced outputs) and the dac6 was ra... | |
Audiogon "SACD's TO DIE FOR" list streetdaddy - yep. i love the beck album. i think the songwriting is great, the music is great, and the sonics are great.but, don't listen to it with any sharp objects around. you'll end up killing yourself.i can only listen to it a few times a year. | |
Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better? geez - and people were accusing *ME* of trying to degenerate this thread into a name-calling hatefest. anybody know the story of king lear?:-)but seriously - there's no pride at stake here, folks! who cares if somebody doesn't like your player? if... | |
Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better? yargh! this is a moderated board. none of we posters have mod responsibilities. audiogon has their own moderators. let allow *them* to do their job. | |
Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better? i know it's all relative, but i think that aside from my feeling that shootouts with multiple people accomplish nothing, (because of human nature, one person inevitably assumes the alpha role and the others become very influenced by his opinion, e... | |
Moved from 2 channel to Home Theatre - Regrets? edesliva - you definitely made the right choice for yourself, then. good points and let me also reiterate one of my points (which you seemed to get): whatever decision you make is the right one, as long as you understand the decision you're making... | |
Objects Between Speakers yes, i found that it im my room, the tv really affected the sound in a negative way, so i sold the thing and installed a projector.problem solved.:-) | |
Moved from 2 channel to Home Theatre - Regrets? you are correct in a sense, but you seem to be unwilling to recognize that some of us *WILL* pay the extra to have multichannel done right. i optimized my system for multichannel music, and then added a DD/DTS decoder so i can run movies through i... | |
End of Hi-fi? ellery, that's spelled:boyakasha! | |
Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better? yeah, that's the word i got from alex, too.although, it would be greatly appreciated if all of you would refrain from ordering anything from alex until he's shipped my (hopefully repaired) meitner sacd1000 back to me. i'd hate for him to be too di... | |
How about a "Remember This?" forum AudioGon? man, i wrote (what i thought was) a brilliant lirpa labs review here on the 'gon once, but i can't for the life of me find it anywhere.those are great! | |
Are ATC SCM-7's equal to Dynaudio Audience 52's? i agree with yuenricky in that they are super, super difficult to drive. they, like maggies, open up with lots of *clean* power. the active models are the way to do ATC - not only is the the power supplied, but you get the benefit of an active cro... | |
Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better? brainwater - just checked out your system and all the pics and i have a question:can i move in? pretty please? you won't even notice i'm there, i swear. i'll even bring my own equipment so you'll have another system to mess around with.seriously, ... | |
Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better? also, frankg - did your fixed sacd-1000s stay fixed? |