
Responses from lazarus28

Questions about SACD vs.analog for classical music
okay, stefanl, if we're gonna play "i read it in a magazine, so it must be true," then do *you* discount HPs assesments of SACD superiority (to 16/44 PCM?)sorry bud, you're gonna have to do better than that.although i know i won't change your mind... 
Questions about SACD vs.analog for classical music
stefanl - we've all read the spin you're attempting to bring into this discussion under the guise of real journalism. none of the arguments you've brought up have been proven. none of can bring up Ing Ohman as a respected figure in audio ... 
Questions about SACD vs.analog for classical music
sorry dgad - i disagree. it isn't absolute, no matter how badly you want it to be. i owned a Teres 265 table with an SME V arm and a Van den Hul Colibri cartridge. SACD is more real to my ears. period. i don't like the euphonic additions that viny... 
Questions about SACD vs.analog for classical music
i've posted similarly before, but not since i've gotten the EMM Labs CDSD in my system:i used to own a top-flight vinyl rig consisting of one of the upper Teres tables, an SME V arm, and a VdH Colibri cart. if you haven't heard CD and SACD on a fu... 
Cleaning Eichmann Silver Bullets
Vampire wire won't do anything - unless Eichmann makes Wooden-Stake bullet plugs.You must, of course, connect Silver-Bullet plugs to Werewolf Wire, which, to my knowlege, hasn't been made yet.Anybody wanna take a crack at it? 
Best mat for Transrotor table?
why deal with a dealer who's known to lie?anyhoo - i like Ringmat, myself. 
Toughest hombre west of the Pecos?
Please, people! Clint didn't *need* women. Women cramped his style. He took care of number 1 and didn't give a damn what anybody else thought. John Wayne doesn't hold a candle to Clint Eastwood. Aside from 'Stagecoach,' he wasn't even in any quali... 
Which CD with Volume control up to $3500
resolution audio opus 21.that player is amazing. 
Is calibration services for DLP set worth it?
for what it's worth - the Sony SXRD is the best projector on the market. i wouldn't bother with DLP when you see what that thing can do. and it's not *really* an LCD like you have listed, it's a modified LCOS. 
750 US MC cartridge options
i'm using a Reson Aciore, which is, i believe $515 USD, and it is the best cart i've used under 1k. i'm also mating it with an RB-300 and having used (on different tables) a Dynavector 10x4, a Linn Arkiv mk ii, and a Van den Hul Colibri - only the... 
Digital Cable - Pixelization during motion
it's your cable company compressing the hell out of the signal. they figure they can save bandwidth by taking the standard analogue channels, compressing and digitizing them, then broadcasting them, which is why you get the mpeg-like compression a... 
Availability of cheap vinyl in SF?
you don't have to go to berkely! there's an amoeba records over by golden gate park on haight street. great selection! 
Is the EMM DAC6e or DCC2 /CDSD the best out there?
stan - i had a Teres 265, SME V, Van den Hul Colibri combo, which was every bit as nice as your setup. (actually, nicer as i see it, as i prefer SME to Graham, and VdH to ZYX)i sold it for EMMlabs gear, and guess what?those bits sound better to my... 
Shops that can Repair Phillips SACD-1000
the required chips to replace it no longer exist, and if you DID find and replace the necessary MACE and FURORE chips, the unit would break again unless you had Alex Peychev of APL HiFi repair the unit for you. it seems that only he is able to rep... 
experience w/ Auralex room treatment
i use auralex in my listening room. it made a very noticeable difference in my room in clearing things up by reducing slap-echo effects. just remember, it's always good to mix absorbsion and diffusion so you don't end up with a dead listening space.