
Responses from lazarus28

My vote for Tweak of the Week
pshaw! what a scam! everybody knows that myrtlewood with asbestos/lead insert is the best way to design a volume knob. . . 
Ryan Adams-more than hype
heartbreaker is, imho, FAR better than gold. i also think he gets bad press because he releases way too much mediocre music. just listen to demolition and rock & roll. but, then the love is hell eps come out and renew my faith in him. . . his ... 
Best upper end CD player with digital inputs
another vote for the RA opus 21! 
how do you know when you've blown a speaker?
Oh, the jokes that could be made about "blowing a woofer."i'll leave that to marco . . . . 
"simian" rock/pop songs?-a survey
the album "unfinished monkey business" by ian brown of the stone roses. (lousy album for the most part, with a few really good songs)then, on his next and far superior album, "golden greats," there is "dolphins were monkeys."great, strange song. 
Mana Speaker Stands
i own mana racks and speaker stands. the speaker stands are just as good as the racks, although they affect their respective components differently.the stands tend to increase detail, pace, and musicality.the speaker stands increase focus and, i s... 
JEsus and Mary Chain 21 Singles....
if so, please let me know.although, i do have all of the songs already. 
How to run pre-amp with HT Processor
run the front left and right speaker outputs from the processor to the 2-channel preamp's "video" or "aux" input. then connect your cd player, turntable, etc to the 2 channel pre and your HT stuff to the processor and then choose a spot for the 2 ... 
Deepest Bass in the Known Universe...
dude, i need to sample that shit for my next album, yo!:-) 
Dare I admit? Low end speaker confusion - help
if you like and are really happy with your speakers, then you're a lot better off than a good deal of posters around here.i wouldn't mess with it, if i were you. read: run, RUN from this site and never look back!:-) 
CDP"s with digital input ?
the resolution audio opus 21 does indeed have a digital in for that exact purpose. if you like the 55, the opus 21 is much better. 
yeah, i echo the above and add this: with maggies (wonderful speakers, btw), you really don't wanna skimp on amplification. they *really* reveal the differences in upstream equipment, so you want quality amps as well as ballsy. it will make all th... 
Rega 2000 questions
well, the cd player does make a big difference in the percieved tonal balance of the speakers and associated equipment, for sure. if you're sensitive to shrill highs, the rega cd player will likely be a good match for you. it does ultimately sacri... 
Anyone using Powered center/surround speaker??
oh. that would be a problem, then. i have them mounted on high stands - the WAF isn't really an issue with me.and they're about 3200 for the pair, give or take. 4500 or so for three of them. 
Anyone using Powered center/surround speaker??
i use active ATC 10's.couldn't be happier. and you're right about runing long balanced interconnect vs. speaker, if you use 10's, like i do for center and surround, you may want to look into the active 50's one day to match - they're bey...