

Responses from larsman

How serious are you?
During the lockdown, I was obsessed with the hobby of buying and selling audio gear about 8 on a 10 scale. I just got a new pair of speakers, but after that, I'm good, so today I would be a 2 on that scale.  
How Much Do Aesthetics Factor Into Your Decisions?
Aesthetics count for a lot with me, but as long as I like how something sounds and I do not dislike the appearance, I'm good with it.   
It's so frigging hot....
Being Fogust, it got up to about 75 in San Francisco yesterday on the sunny side of the street, a little warmer than usual. Today it's colder and windier and will likely stay below 70, like in most of the summer months.   
Most amusing album or song titles
@larryi - did he put out two metal albums? I know he had one called 'In A Metal Mood'.   
Any Advice for those Listening to Youtube Reviewers?
If you don't like the YouTube reviewers, start your own channel instead of complaining about people who did - I'm sure it would be far superior to the ones you don't like....   
Why Do You Listen? A Poll Question
Any Advice for those Listening to Youtube Reviewers?
I would guess that for many of these folks, YouTube videos are not their sole source of income....   
Listening skills increase with low light?
Which audio club is this in relation to? I've seen this question or ones very like it on more appropriate discussion groups.   
Any Advice for those Listening to Youtube Reviewers?
I don't know about 'focusing' on gear prices, but I always hope the reviewer says how much something costs, because many of them do not. I wonder why people who complain about reviewers so much don't start their own YouTube channel? Show 'em how i... 
Any Advice for those Listening to Youtube Reviewers?
... or reading hi-fi forums.   
A step to the side- Smart TV question
I've got a 65" Sony XR65A90J that I got a couple of years ago, and I think it's great - I've got it connected up to my 2-channel audio system, too.  
Any Advice for those Listening to Youtube Reviewers?
If they give bad products great reviews, they will soon lose many of those views/much of that money as people catch on. I watch a number of them, and maybe I'm naive, but I don't regard any of them as being shills or having started reviewing at K-... 
Your last concert was to see who and when?
The Pine Box Boys at Bottom of the Hill in San Francisco about 3 weeks ago.   
Hearing Aids Reduce Dementia Risk
@o_holter - in my experience, the best hearing aids for music are also the best ones for everything else, which tend to be towards the top of the line of various hearing aid manufacturers. But it's wise to have a talk with your audiologist about it.  
Advice on Speaker upgrade vs System Component Upgrade
@rego - Yes, that Oscar Duo is 'fast'; it won an audition I had at my dealers a few weeks ago against a Dynaudio Heritage Special and a YG Acoustics Tor (and my current Fritz Carrerra BE's, which I brought along). There was just something in that ...