

Responses from larsman

Happy Audiophile Day!
@cdc - 🤣  
Hearing aids
I've worn prescription hearing aids for over 20 years now, and they're great - everything sounds better and clearer. Music sounds much, much better. Without them, it sounds like I've got cloth over my ears. My hearing loss is part age, part heredi... 
Upgrading Speakers
Good question. You might want to ask this question in the 'Speakers' forum as well as the 'Misc Audio' one - you might get a wider range of responses....   
What do/did you do for a living?
My last boss used to ask me that 'what do you do for a living?' question all the time....🤣  
California Audio Show 2023
Where in California is it?   
Does streaming music equate to high concert ticket prices
@bubba12  - I may be wrong, but  think even more of us think that most artists have nothing to do with ticket scams and are as victimized by ticket agencies/scalpers as most of the ticket-buyers. I would be interested in knowing the evidence some ... 
unclassifiable, original music, and impossible to define in simple terms...
You might get more response to this thread on the 'Music' category than here on the 'Misc-Audio' one....  
It's almost like poll, but certainly more fun
@mitch2 - yeah, I know what you mean about ties; I don't know if I'd remember how to tie one! I used to have some nice Jerry Garcia ones, though...   
It's almost like poll, but certainly more fun
@mitch2 - Expensive watches are basically jewelry; they're not there purely for the telling of time; they make a statement, so I don't think they're going away anytime soon. .   
Susvara pre-amp and amp combination
@marco1 - Yes indeed, I have both an Eddie Current Studio B and a Donald North Audio Stratus. I've got WE 300B tubes - these are new ones from their plant in Georgia (state, not country), and they were worth the $1200 they cost. They made it sound... 
Susvara pre-amp and amp combination
@marco1 - I have, and I think they sound great. I ended up selling the Enleum because I prefer the sound of my tube amps, but if you're good with SS, definitely worth checking out...   
Bought a system without auditioning, thoughts?
The problem with auditioning speakers in the store is that you have to take the dealer's word for it, if it's even brought up, on how long the speakers have been broken in. Many will sound very, very different out of the box than they will 200 hou... 
Bought a system without auditioning, thoughts?
Are you able to return or exchange any of it if you don't like it?   
You Can Get Rich From 'Snake Oil'!
MoFi sold records with a description that it was 'all analog' and that was not so. That is the point. People paid a lot of money for something they thought they were getting, but did not. Has nothing to do with whether the sound is better or not.   
The greatest Pop song yet written and recorded.
@vair68robert - Good question - I think your categorization is perfectly correct for you - take a category and put in what you think belongs there, and nobody should tell you you are wrong. 'Pop' is just short for 'Popular' and all kinds of music ...