Responses from larsman
VINYL SUCKS! Totally agree that the debate is silly. I've recently upgraded both my digital/headphone system and my speaker/turntable/phono stage system. They both sound awesome. Quality is quality. Good gear will sound better than not-as-good gear, no matter ... | |
Why would anyone want class AB amp when class A always sounds better ? Seems to me that whichever one is designed the best will sound better, be it A, A/B, or D - those letters do not specify qualitylll | |
The Absolute Sound vs Pleasing Sound Not going to get it to sound like 'real live music' because you have no idea what the circumstances are under which it was recorded, what the mic placement was, how it was mixed, etc. 'Real live music' is subjective, not objective. You can hear it... | |
Worst Concerts You Have Attended ?? When I saw Van Halen for the first and only time (David Lee Roth days), I found myself wishing they'd have introduced themselves to each other before the gig. But for me, bad gigs are bad gigs primarily because some sound crews would appear to be ... | |
Can't believe I let myself get sucked in again. It's funny when I read people saying on other threads that analog is better than digital because analog is not compressed and digital is! I like 'em both - have a great digital headphone system and am currently shopping for a turntable upgrade. It... | |
Are your current amps and other gear the best you've ever had? Indeed it is! For my loudspeaker system I've got:MSB S-200 power ampMSB 'Analog DAC' preamp/DACMSB Universal TransportHarbeth Super SL5 speakersRega P3 turntable (which I'm researching a replacement for right now)For headphones, it's:Focal Utopia ... | |
The Weekend I usually like the big pop halftime shows - I was particularly fond of Katy Perry's a few years back - but I just couldn't get into The Weeknd; I didn't find either the music or the visuals particularly inspiring, but I'll also take current circum... | |
Anything SS sounds better than D'Agostino ? I've got an MSB S-200 power amp and an MSB 'Analog DAC' which I use as a DAC and pre-amp, and that is superb sounding gear, like everything MSB makes.... I can't compare it to others I've not heard in my sound system, I can just testify to its am... | |
1st Album you Ever Owned? I loved the song 'Paint It Black', so the first rock album I ever got as a young'un was 'Aftermath' by the Rolling Stones, back in 1966 or so. When I saw that the last song, 'Going Home', was listed at over 10 minutes, I thought that that had to h... | |
Anyone interested in nearly perfection on a headphone a a great price?? I have both Empyreans and LSA HP-1, with an RME ADI-2 DAC and a Lyr 3 amp; they sound nothing like each other, in my opinion; Empyreans have a heavier, darker sound, but still quite detailed, and HP-1 is very good with mids and highs but will not ... | |
Who are your three favorite female singers? Kristeen YoungKate BushPolly Jean Harveyand I'll throw in Siouxsie Sioux as a 4th.... | |
What's your favorite lyric from a song? "She was filing her nails while they're dragging the lake..." - Elvis Costello, 'Watching the Detectives'.... | |
Part-time audiophile music reviews - David Boswell Nick Cave is awesome! I particularly like 'Murder Ballads'.... | |
What kind of listening chair One that gives me good back/lumbar support, like the zero-gravity chair I use for listening, television, reading, etc etc.... | |
My hearing deficits are becoming clear... I have hearing loss, especially in high-frequencies, and have worn behind-the-ear hearing aids for the past 20 years or so; also hissy tinnitus. Currently I'm using Oticon hearing aids, but any good manufacturer should have something that would me... |