
Responses from lancelock

New! Cerious Technologies Lumniscate cables
@tommylion  I do have the Lumniscate PC from the wall to my P-15 power conditioner and from P-15 to preamp, dac, streamer, TT, etc. It sounds great. There is no downside.  
Is a scam site?
I just got a pair of super tweeters from them. They were slow to respond and send me a ship date, but when I mentioned canceling the order, they got things moving. I love these super tweeters.  
Baltimore MD
@fastfreight ​​@mapman  
Morrow power cables
I owned the top-of-the-line Morrow cables, and they're OK, but since then, I have bought much better cables, including Townshend F-1 Fractals, Ceriuos Technologies Tech, etc. Morrow is not the end-all, just saying.  
Class A or Class D solid-state amplifiers (modern designs)
@yyzsantabarbara  I was never able to hear the AGD Gran Vivace but the Audions were superb. I now have custom modded Altec Lansing 1570B mono blocks.  
Anyone own Linear Tube Audio Amps?
Some folks like old tube amp sound because of the transformer distortion. You will not find such distortion in ZOTL amps. I can say that I have a very early version of the ZOTL40 and have had it upgraded with the latest “plus” mods. Early on there... 
Good Suggestions for Tube Amps under 6k
A Linear Tube Audio ZOTL40 would pair nicely with those speakers but you might have go to the used market.  
The best speaker cables you’ve had
Cerious Technologies Graphene Lumniscate  Townshend F- 1  
Vinyl static ionizers who's used them?
I use this cheap version I got from Amazon: YUCHENGTECH Ionizing Air Blower Anti Static Ionizer Static Eliminator ESD Ionizer Static Elimination Fan Benchtop DC Type (110V) there is fan noise but I only use it between records.  
If you had to narrow your choices to 4 - 5 speakers
what are your top "audio bargins" in your system history?
The biggest bang for my buck was buying a Linear Tube Audio Micro ZOTL or MZ2. This high-quality headphone amp, preamp, and class A 1-watt power amp makes this the Swiss Army knife of Audio.  
What can beat Wilson XVX for less money?
I heard the Wilson’s and later heard the LIPINSKI L700E Signature in the same room. Your amplification is already included with the Lipinski. The Wilson didn’t have a chance in this competition, my opinion of course.   
LOUDEST Concert and Tinnitus
Motorhead was ridiculously loud  
Some love for LTA customer service
+1 yes, living in close proximity to LTA has its advantages but the customer service in general is top notch. The best I’ve experienced in my Audio journey.  
Are MULLARD NOS EL34s and LTA ZOTL40 REF worth the price of admission?
I have to mention that the latest (+) plus mods are a very big improvement in sound. If you have an older ZOTL40 the cost of the plus mods are well worth the price and the bump is bigger than that of pricey NOS tubes.