
Responses from lacee

Manley 300B or Manley Steelhead
I just got a Steelhead and I am impressed with it as a pre amp as I am as a phono stage.If you need more inputs buy a skip jack,luckily the phono and line suits my needs completely. 
Calculating total capacitance
Thanks very much Atma Sphere,I really believe that what I am talking about is indeed the cartridge ringing.When I up the cap value, the sound is more silent, almost digital quiet, but some of the "air" is missing.I'll start to experiment with the ... 
Power cord for low-watt tube amp?
I don't care if anyone is laughing, but I am not ashamed to say that I spent more on my power cord than I did on my power amp.But the last laugh is on me,because without the Python CX, my Decware Zen's two watts of EL84 SET power just sounds more ... 
rca vs xlr interconnect
If both units are true balanced designs, go with balanced lines and they don't have to be expensive ones either, save the bucks for better RCA wires, you can make some nice DIY balanced wires using canare or mogami wire and Neutrik connectors that... 
Calculating total capacitance
I agree about power cords, my steelhead has a Shunyata Annaconda Helix into a Hydra 8 power conditioner on a 10 guage dedicated line, 30 amp breaker.Also no cap is just too bright,still fidlling with cap settings.One other thing I tried was runnin... 
Calculating total capacitance
Thanks for the link, I'll go back and do some more dial tuning in the low pf range, although I felt when I did this before that the sound had too much sizzle in the upper range which elevated the groove noise. 
Calculating total capacitance
Dialing up the cap values to 550 pf , to my ears , so far as it is a cop out(half way from 0 to max)is OK.What I have found is that adding more gives more body but you loose the upper high details.Too little and you hear too much surface noise and... 
Stand out phono stages
I've owned the Atmasphere MP3,the PHD, and now the Steelhead.All very good at what they do, and better than all of the built in phono stages on older preamps that I owned like the Premier two, Audible Illusions 3a,Sonic Frontiers slp1,and even the... 
I had great success running Class DR8 in balanced mode as mono blocks.Also the original Blue Circle BC2 amps were great.And when I ran two pair of CLS for HT set up, and EAD powermaster 500 was more than capable. 
lambchop fans out there
Is a Women was one of my biggest surprises in the last few years.It's a cd I can play over and over and never reach for the remote to switch between tunes.Are any of their other releases as good ? 
Made in Canada conundrum
Hey guys , what about the new tax on Canadians entering your country by air or sea?We used to have an almost open border, until some "fed's" felt that Canada was an Al Quida training ground.Now anything in a box is suspect if it comes from Canada.... 
Decware - any substance here?
I replaced the stock rectifier in my ZenSelect with an old Sylvania 5UR4GB and the results are amazing.I've fooled around replacing tubes in pre amps and power amps with some positive results but none as profound as this tube swap.It's made the am... 
Goertz MI2 with Sim I-5
I just recently tried an old pair of Goertz thin speaker silver foil wires.This has been the best sound yet after months of speaker wire trials and DIY attempts.Now I am reading abot amplifier occilations and over heating.My wires were pre zoebel ... 
biwire trick
It's worked for me.I have DIY speaker cables and name brand speaker wires.I have Ref 3A biwired speakers(which come with solid core thin wire jumpers).I've posted here previously asking about what speaker wires other Ref owners were using, because... 
Furman Reference IT 15i power conditioner
I have the 15 and the used to own the IT 1220.I noticed a bit of dulling of the sound when I ran them like someonelse mentioned.In the end I went with all shunyata .The furmans never let me down and were great until I found something that appealed...