
Responses from lacee

Periodic replacement of Audio Grade Fuses?
Old 6eyes, my take is that you no longer are employed with the well known electronics retailer?Perhaps you should have suggested that the " guys" invest in better electronics that won't blow fuses, and perhaps you would still be working for that w... 
why do we argue?
Ok, it's another day.So when did the thread turn ugly? Which I guess it has, despite my optimism that the first diatribe was meant in jest.It starts with "who the hell are you-"and the pace is picked up by another poster with "stop it".Then "mothe... 
Fuses that matter.
Hifitime,consider this,I have not said that the upgraded fuse has a sound, per se, but I have said that stock fuses can impede or colour the sound of the components in the chain that use them.For instance, take my Manley Steelhead, it had a very a... 
Nordost Norse 2 Speaker Cables + Interconnects
I have two pair of Heimdal series one interconnects.I just purchased the Frey tonearm wires Norse series 2, but they don't have the WBT Nex Gen connectors like the Lower cost Heimdals of the series 1.Other than cost, what was the reason for doing ... 
Periodic replacement of Audio Grade Fuses?
I wouldn't bother changing upgraded fuses.Think of it this way.However much they "might" degrade overtime, they will still be sounding better than a stock fuse that "might" be degrading over the same period of time time.The emphasis on "might".Unt... 
do martin logans improve with good power cables?
Martin Logan would spend the extra money for a better power cord, but you'll not get it for free.You'll have to pay for the extra performance.Think about this.The speakers sound fine with stock power cords.They do sound better with better power co... 
After Quad ESL's?
I had stacked Quad 57's, and a single pair of 63's.My first stats were Acoustat 3 without the servo amps.Also owned Martin Logan Sequel 2, and two pairs of ML CLS.I went thru a cone phase,but came back to stats with a nice pair of Acoustat Monitor... 
why do we argue?
You have every right to hate "it",but the "it" I was refering to was your comment. I think you missed the point or perhaps I did.I thought your remark was a great bit of comedic writing.As this one is? 
why do we argue?
Unsound, I love it! 
Fuses that matter.
Pack, I hear you.Been there done that, but prefer the safety of having the HiFi Supremes.Before they came along I lived on the edge as you are now.No arguments from me, no fuse is the best way to go soundwise.Goes way back to the late 70's, re Pet... 
why do we argue?
When the talking(argument) is cut short by the mods, we are left with a North and South Korea type of situation.Which is why I feel it's constructive to keep threads alive and not shut them down.Sometimes they morph,but there is always something t... 
Fuses that matter.
Bryon that was a great response.Reading it now, after I started the why do we argue post, summed up what I have been trying to say in a most elegant manner.My amazement is that we are arguing about a device that costs less than 100 bucks.It's not ... 
why do we argue?
Less emphasis on wisdom, more on experience.To this day I can't understand why an enthusiastic post by someone with first hand knowledge of an upgrade has to be quizzed about his experience and provide "proof" of any kind.In my case, whenever I po... 
Is there a list of cartridge capacitance?
Thanks Ralph, I'll set the cap on the Steelhead for 0 and have a listen. 
Is there a list of cartridge capacitance?
I've found that 100 ohms sounds better to my ears than the 400 ohms Clearaudio states.Also ,30 /pf cap seems to work using the 55 gain setting.I came upon a review of a review of another Clearaudio cart, the insider and for me this works.I use Nor...