Responses from kraftwerkturbo
Velodyne DD15 - worth repairing the plate amp? So how do I use the provided measuring (velodyne) microphone if not via computer? | |
WHY IS THERE SO MUCH HATE FOR THE HIGH END GEAR ON AUDIO GEAR? Because we can't afford that gear, and are glad is is not providing the 'bang for buck' that our gear does (unlike for example in the car world, where 'normal' to 'crazy' is a factor of 10 ($300k vs $30k) car, while in the audio world, the factor ... | |
Subwoofer suggestion Would 2 subs placed close to the main speakers also allow higher low pass setting? Thinking using very small satelites that struggle at higher output levels and 80 Hz. | |
Subwoofer suggestion Sidenote: using 2 subs was mentioned as beneficial. Assuming same 'air movement capability' and budget (think 2x 12" vs 1x 18"), what ARE the perceived noticeable benefits? For discussion sake, I counter that the single LARGE sub will reach lower ... | |
Velodyne DD15 - worth repairing the plate amp? I have not connected the DD to a computer (waiting for amp to be returned from repair). Will then look into the software, potential update and how to use the software, microphone, etc. | |
Steely Dan UHQR I think I already have the SACD, so I am good. | |
Steely Dan UHQR He mixes it just perfect so that other 80 year olds can enjoy it their $150 investment. | |
B&W CDM2 - looking for replacement woofer alternative Just to close out the thread in this forum: With nothing to loose, I first put 3 C clamps on (back of magnet/bottom of frame) and pushed the magnet back in (no gap). Took quite some force. Tested, still scratching (misaligned voice coil). Then m... | |
Need some advice on replacing a B&W tweeter Also found ZZ12947 as part number for the tweeter? | |
Need some advice on replacing a B&W tweeter My LCR60 S3 tweeter is pretty mangled, afraid it DOES impact the sound. They are offering the DIAPHRAGM on ebay and other places for little cost (under $20), but not the whole speaker (ZZ12939 ??). How does replacing the diaghragm only work? Any ... | |
B&W CDM2 - looking for replacement woofer alternative I ordered the driver of a DM601, hope it physically fits. I also took the driver out, and found what is causing the issue. Previous owner (likely when putting expoxy on the small hole in the cone) must have dropped the driver. Magnet is askew to t... | |
Velodyne DD15 - worth repairing the plate amp? No. I sent out the amp for repair to NJ. | |
B&W CDM2 - looking for replacement woofer alternative erik: part out would be the alternative (selling the tweeters, the one good woofer, crossovers and housings). DIY forum already posted, great hands on guys there (a lot less pixeldust to deal with also :-) | |
B&W CDM2 - looking for replacement woofer alternative Not considering repair, just replacement with something that a) (most important) FITS (phycially) and b) maybe someone close (for example another B&W driver from another speaker). | |
B&W CDM2 - looking for replacement woofer alternative It is understood that only the original woofer will net the original result. But if that is not a requirement, what other drivers would FIT and have similar characteristics. There are THOUSANDS of example where (particularly for vintage speakers)... |