Responses from kraftwerkturbo
Sound Stage and Imaging @mijostyn I was partially kidding with the screws. Just a bit unusual to see them as exposed as they are in any speaker over say $100 pair. Most would make the REAR panel removable (with 'under' mounted bass driver). | |
Sound Stage and Imaging @grislybutter thanks for the list/table. I am benchmarking against my Nautilus 804. And which CSS are you referring to? the one in the table CSS Criton 1TD-X? | |
Sound Stage and Imaging Harbeth P3: did they get a bulk deal on screws? Or are they just try hard to make the front as ugly as possible? I do like the idea of small (2 way or even single) speaker since I am "sold" on subwoofer (even my Nautilus 804, surely not considere... | |
Sound Stage and Imaging Also as far as imiging is concerned: aren't the single speaker Kef 150 also known to produce excellent image (maybe not a wide soundstage, and may not 'sound' as nice as otheres (or may concerns, not enough AREA to 'fill' the big room, but maybe e... | |
Sound Stage and Imaging ADS "or pair of ADS L2020s, (which will fill your huge room) and / or ADS L1530s or L1230s. ": can't even find a PHOTO online of ADS L2020. The mid size LDS (L880 etc) look nice (I do like dome midrange, have a pair of Infinity Quantum 2 in parts ... | |
Sound Stage and Imaging With soundstage and imaging in mind, what helps with regard to the room: a) hard vs soft BEHIND the speakers b) hard vs soft OPPOSITE the speakers c) hard vs soft SIDE of speakers d) close or far wall behind e) close or far wall - sides f)... | |
Sound Stage and Imaging Also of importance to mention: low bass is covered (Velodyne DD15 small room, Dayton 18" sealed driven by ED LT1300 in large room). So NOT concerned in this area. | |
Sound Stage and Imaging Have never heard Ohm. Vandersteen 1 and 1b locally, worth looking it? Lower end Magneplanar or Best Buy Martin Logan? | |
Sound Stage and Imaging magneplanar: unless recently rebuild, I don't want to deal with the potential issues. Locally listed is a pair of MG1. Also MG1B. Do Magnepan (1.6 local) fall in the same category? Martin Logan ESL (local used), Best Buy ESL 8"? Martin Logan A... | |
Sound Stage and Imaging IMF 100: can't seem to find in the US. But seems to be one of many LS3/5A based monitors (which I have heard good things about in past readings). What are notable LS3/5A (bang for buck) offers? | |
Sound Stage and Imaging Vandersteen: friend has a set of 2c (3 way IIRC), terrible room/setup. But will pay more attention next time. First time casual listening, I liked how 'easy/natural' they sounded. | |
Sound Stage and Imaging Tekton: before the current B&W Nautilus 804 I had the Mini Lore (bought after in house testing several others in the large room with sub). | |
Velodyne DD15 - worth repairing the plate amp? Replacing the plate amp (or using external amp as I currently do) means NOT having the 'SERVO' control feature the Velodyne was/is famous for. I would assume that this is part of the high regard and performance those Velodyne are known for in comp... | |
Is my amp good enough? Most certainly stay with what you have and enjoy the new speakers. Your pre amp/amp are good. Later, when you get the itch, play the upgrade game. Audition: why not take your pre amp and amp to the dealer and ask him to run the speaker with YOU... | |
Velodyne DD15 - worth repairing the plate amp? Thanks, I need to read the manual (already downlaoded a while ago). So the DD-15 HAS computer connection. Do I have a remote (need to check) for the DD-15? If so, hope I did not misplace it somehow. |