

Responses from kr4

Sony HAP-Z1ES Hi-Res Music Player RMAF 2013
01-26-14: Mr_bill wrote Kal,You should review the Sony Hap Z1ES.I am doing so. 
Oppo 105 in place of pre/pro
Right. I was not recommending this use, merely saying that it was possible. Its major advantage is cost and that applies to 103 and 105 (and 103D and 105D). 
Sony HAP-Z1ES Hi-Res Music Player RMAF 2013
You will need to use a tablet or smartphone to make playlists. 
Using Oppo 105 as an AV Receiver
As Runnin says, you can use the Oppo as your controller for an HT system (it is not an AVR but can do much of the same things). You should read the user's manual to learn how to do this. http://download.oppodigital.com/BDP105/BDP-105_USER_MANUAL_E... 
Oppo 105 in place of pre/pro
Certainly, you can. It has all the facilities for a very basic HT system. However, you should read the user manual for the specifics of that application: http://download.oppodigital.com/BDP105/BDP-105_USER_MANUAL_English_v1.8.pdf 
H.T. Processor witch is better in sound...
Yes, I know but I could not resist the pun. I will not comment any further on the sound of the new Krell since I will be reviewing it shortly but video switching is, I agree, not that important for music listeners. However, there are other audio-r... 
H.T. Processor witch is better in sound...
Dbphd: Are you sure Anthem has a trademark on ARC? No, I was sort of kidding as ARC is used to mean many things including Anthem Room Correction, Audio Rate Control, Audio Return Channel, Automatic Room Correction, Atlantic Richfield Company and m... 
H.T. Processor witch is better in sound...
Cary does not use ARC (all caps) which is an Anthem trademark. It does have some proprietary room correction about which there is little enthusiasm. In that price range, you might also look at the Krell Foundation. 
Acoustic Room Treatment – any simple solutions?
Note that the GIK and other effective treatments are not foam-based. In fact, foam is not particularly effective except for HF. 
Hi Fi Dealer in New York City?
Singer? Lately? 
McIntosh MEN220 Room Correction System
Think about why tone controls and other corrections were in disrepute during the analog era. It was due to the introduction of noise, phase-errors and distortion because of the faults of the physical reactive elements required. Digital processors ... 
subwoofer for music?
Johnnyb53, you are talking about specific examples, as I did, and not about the general statement. All those variables do apply but each one can be discussed in terms of its contribution. Designers choose different drivers based on excursion, stif... 
subwoofer for music?
"You can't make a categorical statement based on driver diameter. Stiffness and weight of the cone plus driver excursion (how much air does it displace?), and cabinet volume are all part of the equation. Fed enough power, my Mirages can make deep,... 
subwoofer for music?
The reason for your confusion about the low end extension of small-woofer systems is that the frequency response specs rarely indicate how much acoustic output they can support at those lower frequencies. For example, a 6.5" driver and a 10-12" dr... 
Anybody heard the Krell Foundation?
The Krell Foundation does play 5.1/multichannel via the HDMI cable. I am not sure what Marcgerber means but, I suspect, he is meant to refer to the lack of a multichannel analog input.