

Responses from kr4

installing an ARC system
It is not clear to me what you mean. Do you mean ARC=Anthem Room Correction or Automatic Room Correction or Audio Research Corporation? There are several other meanings for that abbreviation.If you mean the first of these, it is available only in ... 
old verses new ???
Abucktwoeighty wrote:versus...my use of the English language is not the best, I admit...And I thought you were going to talk about a revival of poetry from the past. 
HELP Audio Alchemy DTI Pro 32
Full schematic here: http://www.audioasylum.com/images/dtipro32.pdf 
Is computer audio a bust?
We understand what you are saying, Audiolabyrinth, it's is just than some of us don't accept your arguments about cables and find them irrelevant to this topic. And best of luck to you, too. 
Better software for DSD
I have not had that problem with Audirvana/MacMini. 
Is computer audio a bust?
[quote]Mapman wrote: Not sure many if any CD players support USB, so apples and apples comparison there to computer USB is not easy to do.[/quote]Some do. I know that some Oppos and Marantz do. Probably others. 
Is computer audio a bust?
Agear asked: What servers platforms are you using and what is your source materials for multi-channel tunes?1. Files are stored on a NAS in remote room.2. Network is hard-wired.3. Fanless, PC-based servers runs JRiver MC on SSD.4. USB-connected DA... 
Is computer audio a bust?
No promise. Running two server systems, both with full, multichannel DSD/DXD capabilities and files. The convenience is a given but the sound quality amazes. 
Walking Into A Brick & Mortar High End Audio Store
Sure. I do it all the time. Just be up front about it. 
Pre Pro And Amplifier Instead Of Receiver
Here's another good deal: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16882120206 
Recommended 5.1 processor + amp under 10k
Ditto. Keep the amps; get the Foundation. 
PS3 & the SACD
In my experience, the ripped file is equal to or superior to the disc playback. I cannot compare to HDTracks and my comment is based primarily on multichannel tracks. 
Are music servers the future?
It is not a big deal. I am currently streaming multichannel DSD and 24/192 PCM from my remote NAS to the system without any hassles or interruptions. 
Help ripping a single SACD?
Try this guy: http://www.audiocircle.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=hu0dt9t6o7h9r47jnkggjnq301&topic=105203.msg1074464#msg1074464 
Suggest SACD Player No Video, New or Used, $1kish?
Sony XA5400ES