

Responses from kr4

Anyone listening to 24/196?
And, of course, SACD. ;-)Kal 
Anyone listening to 24/196?
Integra DTC-9.8. ;-)Kal 
Anybody notice DTS is hardly used anymore?
I have no date but is there a reason to prefer dtsHD MA over Dolby TruHD? Both lossless.Kal 
Broken Audiolab 8000s - Help?
Audiolab has been notoriously possessive with all their service info including schematics. I have tried for >10years to get a schematic for my 8000PPA to no avail. Good luck.Kal 
New Bel Canto Gear at RMAF
I, too, am curious and will make some enquiries but is not likely unless one or more of these suddenly shows up on my doorstep. Besides, all of the ones you list sell for 2x or more than the BCs.Kal 
Recommended recordings for Berlioz overtures
Davis or Munch.Kal 
New Bel Canto Gear at RMAF
In all candor, I can say only a bit because there will be a published review.Kal 
New Bel Canto Gear at RMAF
Just took delivery of 3 Ref1000, MkII amps. Sitting on top of the original Refs. Hope to get them cranking tomorrow.Kal 
Pioneer Blu Ray Player BDP 05 FD
That is because the 05 is bitstreaming the dts MA to the Yamaha which is doing the decoding. The 05 cannot do it yet.Kal 
Pioneer Blu Ray Player BDP 05 FD
v1.08 discs have been sent to some.Even v1.112 will not decode dts MA. ;-)Kal 
Driving HT receiver w/quality preamp?
Backwards. Feed the L/R output from your AVR through the preamp and keep all the traditional source in the preamp. Many preamps have a HT bypass input for that purpose.Kal 
No Dolby True HD signal?
That selects the format read by the player but it will still output any of them as PCM.Kal 
No Dolby True HD signal?
AFAIK, the PS3 will output decoded DolbyTHD as LPCM without any loss. This is normal and you are fine.Kal 
Biwire cable on a standard 2 terminal speaker?
Or it doesn't really matter. ;-)Kal 
preamp with only 1 set of pre-outs: adding sub....
Depends on the sub. Some have built-in HP filters for your main speaker/amp. Kal