

Responses from kotta

Vintage 1989 Magnavox CDB482 player- Impressive
One of my first purchases on Ebay many yrs. ago was an NEC CD-650 for around $30. Very impressive sounding and extremely well built. Another great sounding CDP is the Rotel RCD-855. Mine sounds great but I heard from Rotel w/just a few modificatio... 
upgrade path from Dynaudio 52SE
The right spk. will make a world of difference. It sounds like you need a floorstander which falls on the warm side. If I had 2.5k to spend I'd look at Spendor and ProAc along w/a few others. I really like my older Rotel tuner (RT-850A) and CDP. (... 
Totem Forest Speakers.....
I've never owned Totem loudspeakers (but have listened to them for many hrs.) nor Krell, but I will say the right amp can make a world of difference. I would suggest on a whim buy an older Marantz Reciever from 70's. I own the 2218 and I will say ... 
Budget bookshelf speakers FOR a bookshelf...
I have Tannoy Fusion 1's on a bookshelf in my daughters room and they sound just fine. Very musical little spks. I don't know what exactly their dimensions are, but I think they should come really close to what you're looking for. These should wor... 
Interconnects for Rotel amp/prepro
I would buy either some AQ "Copperhead" IC's or some used/new Tara Labs Prism 33i IC's. Your 4' length is a little longer than the standard 1 meter. (You may need to custom order or make your own. Are you handy w/a soldering iron? Neutric makes re... 
Best Blu-Ray ANALOG Output - Under $1000?
A few weeks back went in an audio/video retailer and spoke w/the owner, whom I have always found to be very honest and knows audio. (His audio history goes way back to the 60's.) He said the Sony Blue-Ray players have superb 2 ch. sound if you wis... 
Arcam or Rega CDP
I have an Arcam 7SE which I find very nice. It wasn't till I found the right IC that really made the system sound just perfect to my ears. (Modified Tara Labs 55 IC) I'm sure you can find a really nice Arcam CDP in your price range. 
First Plasma/LCD purchase ever - a few questions..
A Samsung LN37A550 would be an excellent choice which would fall well-within your budget. Entry level 1080P. I own the LN32A550. Do check out AVSforum.com Tons of info. Plasma's run hot and consumer 3X the power. Definately compare prices. I would... 
Uneven speaker cable lengths and cable termination
I personally would get equal length prs. or lengths alittle closer together. (Say 4m/3m.) Not knowing the cost of the cables you are thinking about, but resale maybe difficult w/unequal lengths. I went to RS one day and they had the banana version... 
Monitors on Short Stands
Give it a try, you may enjoy the sound. For me personally, the bass went lower, but the treble and imaging suffered. 
What Vintage Speakers/Marantz
Rega's "Jura" loudspeakers do not come up for sale too often. (Usually around $400.) Another good loudspeaker to consider would be Vandersteen 1b/2c's. Snell E-III's would be a fine choice as well. (I own a pr.) I would make sure the "foam" surrou... 
What Vintage Speakers/Marantz
I own a pr. of the ADS L500's and they are very, very good sounding spks especially considering their age! (I changed out the stock binding posts to BP Hex's. Easy up-grade and well worth the effort/cost.) The midrange and treble are very warm w/t... 
Get new FM receiver or better antenna?
The CC Crane "Reflex" antenna for around $25 will work for you. These have a 30-day trial period I believe. Great indoor antenna. (IMO, better than the Magnum Dynalab "whip" (Model ST-2 I believe) which I also own.) 
older speaker connectors
If the labour doesn't cost alot, why not? It most likely will make them sound better. But then...you'll need to change the wire conectors and then you'll want to upgrade your amp, source etc.. Before you know it you'll be spending a fortune and yo... 
Amp: Integrated - Used; - Sub $750 Help :-
I would buy a Rega Brio. One seller here on Agon has NOS Original's for $350. This would be my choice. Add a seperate tuner (such as a vintage Sony, Yamaha or older Rotel tuner such as the RT-850A.) It will sound so much better than a Receiver. No...