
Responses from koestner

Have you found your "End-Game" speakers yet? I have. And it feels so good!!!
I would die for a pair of Salon 2'. So I guess that would be my end game speaker.  
Benchmark or McIntosh....
Enough with the fixation on his subs. I own the Benchmark amp and preamp and love them, but, BUT, always go with your heart. The MAC stuff is also great. If it's those meters and size/weight that thrill you, you won't get it from the Benchmark. Yo... 
Acoustically Treating a Bomb Shelter
I would treat it for radiation blocking as well, you never know.  
Please Help Weed Them Out
OK, I will look into these as well.  
Pre-amp Suggestion
Yes, tube amps are thought to sound warm, and silver cables are bright. Really? Because silver is shiny? Jason is on to something here.   
Please Help Weed Them Out
The Focal Stellias were on my list, but I then read about quality issues and having to send them back to France for repair. I am directing my interests on Audeze. I was wondering which of these (LCD-2C or LCD-XC) has more bass?  
$16 Dimmer......
Oh, I read this wrong. I thought someone found a good $16 dinner.  
Please Help Weed Them Out
I do need a high isolation rig, as I usually have to play headphones while others are watching TV. Even with closed backs I can still hear the TV at quieter spots on most tracks. It's not an absolute, but preferred.  
Please Help Weed Them Out
OK, so I got a set of AKG K371. I like them a lot, and only $160 from Amazon! I originally got a set of Hihiman HE-R9, but I thought they were too dull sounding and very bulky. These AKG' are great, and I just ordered a set of Dekoni Choice Leathe... 
Audeze - 3 conductors per side?
OK, I got my answer on Google Images. I know, I've been living in a cave in Tibet. So it seems they join pins 1 and 3 to ground making it really only 2 conductors to the driver.  
Audeze - 3 conductors per side?
Yes, I understand an XLR connection at line level will be 3 conductors just like gdnrob says, but to connect to a speaker driver, wouldn't it be just 2 conductors?  
-20 DB Volume Measurment
No, it's more a reference of the input level. Your preamp is telling you that at -20db it is lowering the input signal by that amount. It is independent of your amp.  
Please Help Weed Them Out
I understand your warning, but the Benchmark puts in a separate THX Headphone AMP of very good quality. At least good enough to be called decent.   
Please Help Weed Them Out
I also see the Sundara closed back headphones for $229 Some say they're lacking in bass. Can anyone offer an opinion on them? Thanks  
Please Help Weed Them Out
What about the HE-R9? They're only $109 Are they any good?