
Responses from koegz

Subsonic Rumble Solutions
disconect sub i agree. thickness of the vinyl, no way. i have some 2000 vinyl albums of all thicknesses and age. rarely does newer thick vinyl sound better then the original ussally thinner vinyl. there is little doubt in my mind that the main pro... 
How many times do you play a CD/LP?
never get tired of "dark side of the moon" along with many 60's till now. springsteen, rolling stones, beatles, dylan, the who, ccr, elo, elp, etc. the list goes on and on and on. is that not the point of vinyl that the best stand the test of time... 
Subsonic Rumble Solutions
Ptmconsulting; i am confused, are you talking about cone movement on your sub or your speakers? 
Subsonic Rumble Solutions
the kicking of the drum or the pluck of a base string can be felt as well as heard. my wife, who loves to say "i hear no diference" feels it as well. it is not a rumble but an extension of the sound. it is tight, well defined, inspiring and adds t... 
Subsonic Rumble Solutions
acoustat6 you must be reading a diferent post then i am. ptmconsulting posted a question based on his analog equipment with hiss tt and it's set up. also seeing that no normal human can hear below 20hz and that sound at that level is felt and he d... 
Subsonic Rumble Solutions
acoustat6 in your post i am not sure what you were suggesting? but if it was that my system was no "able to reproduce" because it does not meet your high standards, well all i can say is thanks for the laugh. i only hope to some day meet your loft... 
Antiskating .... The last analog secret
Dazzdax poor recordings are poor recordings in every medium, but good set ups, set up correctly with good recordings, are what it is all about. 
Subsonic Rumble Solutions
the filters mentioned here are only masks trying to cover up another more basic problem and will only cause other unintended consequences. if the problem occurs in no other sourse, it is the tt and/or it's set up. the "rumbling" or "pumping" is no... 
Neil Young Live at Massey Hall 200 g LP,
i like the chat! neil's the man! 
Stereo Subs - Do they need to be identical?
i do not see a tv or projector. is this a 2channel music set up? if so skip the subs you really don't need them unless you are looking for an exagerated bottom end. subs very tuff to set up with out affecting the mids and upper end and not being a... 
Best high end monitors?
skip the subs, a good 2 channel system does not need'm! just buy the best speaker you can afford. the best; my vote, rockport arrakis, magico M6, wilson alexandria's. haven't heard the new focal's sure they are great as well as mbl or hansen. can'... 
Are Dust Covers a MUST
i had a vpi hrx which i bought a dust cover for. the only time i used the cover was when i did not use the tt for a long period of time. although i did not always no when that would be. other then that it sat on the floor and was something else to... 
YG Acoustics add in Stereophile
royan i see you have the magico's V3, your telling me i have no lower end? i love guys like you who think they know all. i considered the M6's(a fantastic speaker) but the V3's did not meet the standard, in the end i went with the rockport altair.... 
YG Acoustics add in Stereophile
i own the rockport altair's and i can tell you without hesitation or any doubt at all that there are no box vibrations. nor do they bottom out. in fact i am still looking for the bottom. i had considered the yg pro but could not get past the look,... 
What's the Best LP You Bought in 2008
they were this year and most if not all are newest releases.