
Responses from koegz

New favorite VINYL Album?
CAGE THE ELEPHANY's self titled album "CAGE THE ELEPHANT". white stipes fans sure to like it. a winner. comes highly recomended. 
New favorite VINYL Album?
Ben Harper and Relentless7's "White Lies For Dark Times". Great title and cool album cover art work. You have to think about it. Sound is pretty good. A nice tight lower end, but a little bright at times. liked several songs out of the gate, other... 
New favorite VINYL Album?
THIRDEYEBLIND's "URSA MAJOR" excellent songs, fair sound a little/fairly compressed. colored vinyl,likely all digital recording. another new album i like alot is the LemonHeads's "VARSHONS". much better sounding, great songs. a little graphic, but... 
Any U2 Fans Here?
there you go. sit hit the nail right on the head(bono's head?} 
Any U2 Fans Here?
WOW! WOW WOW WOW! Alex Baldwin? What about Mikel J Fox? or what of Paul Newman? for got he died guess your happy? Geoge Cloony? i guess Ted Nugent is more to your liking? don't wish to make this political but you need a serious karma check. 
Who asked for this?
well if you are a CCR fan get the 45 box set. it is worth every PENNY($) just for "suzie Q" or "peoud mary" among others. you have not heard the power of vinyl until you hear a recording such as these. then there are used 45s like roxy music's tri... 
Any U2 Fans Here?
Lennon died way too young and anyone criticizing Bono for trying to leave the world a better place is just an idiot who watches to much fox news! if you wish to demean the sound quality of his recordings or make fun of the sunglasses be my guest i... 
New favorite VINYL Album?
Phish's "JOY" deadheads rejoice. 
digital front end to rival best vinyl?
4musica4410 Naim HDX is a music organizer, what dac was it using when you heard it? any new thoughts out there? still considering dcs heard from many owners who love them. my concern is that something less costly will come out and beat it up, any ... 
USB DACs with 24/192 via USB
i agree antipodes. i had been waiting for this issue thinking it would be more imformative. what a waist. written for ipoders and not audiogoners. i left the digetal domain 8 or 9 yrs ago and been vinyl/2 channel only since. i don't get the review... 
RMAF 2009 Analog Report + Meet and Greet
was going, but could not do to other commitments. i must say, i reviewed the suppliers list, not that impressive. infact, now i am glad i did not go. it is a long and expensive treck from the east coast, better spending the money and time on new g... 
Is difference between B&W 802D & 800D worth price?
i had owned both. i have acually owned most of the 800 series including ths signitures. my wife loved the 800d's looks and they definitely are worth the cost diferense. i ran them with krell and was very happy. believe for the price they are tough... 
Rockport Ankaa and Anquila
Cmalak i had seen those reviews, but they do not compare to the attention that some others get in tas mag or other publications. Glai i do not know how thin your room is but mine are about 9' apart and there is definitly no cancellation. my room i... 
Just me or do speakers in cell phones sound harsh?
that is because phones are for talking and NOT listening to music! 
Rockport Ankaa and Anquila
amazingly enough to me, there seems to be very little interest in this speaker line. both by the media and the public. it is a shame. oh well their loss!