
Responses from koegz

the most underrated 33 1/3 in history?
what about california jam, true life hero, anus of uranus and sub rosa subway amongst the others. the album was not just calling occupants. the carpenters version was good but not as good as the original which is absolutely great. no need for a cd... 
the most underrated 33 1/3 in history?
Is there a better table than S. Scoutmaster Ref ?
"nothing on the planet"? better is "highly subjective"? THATS A BIG NO! when you compare a walker tt to any vpi tt. the walker is simply one of if not the best there is. just not in the price range of the vpi. i have owned several vpi's including ... 
Best Rock Albums in 2009, so far
The Killers; DAY & AGE 
Dust cover ???????
save your money! no need for a dust cover! you will never use it! 
Can good speakers take edge off digital?
sh?t in sh?t out!!!!! 
B&W 802D vs 800 Nautilus
i had owned the 802's and then moved up to the 800d's. i no longer own the 800's though. i will tell you that the 800's are a step or 2 over the 802's, d's or not. the bottom end is a big improvement. i do not believe the diamond tweeter made that... 
Subsonic Rumble Solutions
hey acoustat6, i knowlonger own the 800d's. i have had duel subs before. no longer, not part of the REAL sound of music. ponder this bob, when you get a real two channel system, you can let us know! 
Subsonic Rumble Solutions
let's see, subsonic filter, rumble filter how about an air filter? to bright ad a tweeter filter. mids not right add a mid booster filter. how about, system sounds bad, get a better system. 
rockport altair any informed opinions?
krell evo 600's. there is no need for sub's, at least not in 2 channel music, plenty of tight lower end. not a fan of sub's in 2 channel they tend to exagerate and rumble. now movies(action) dif story. the aquila is a great speaker only a little s... 
rockport altair any informed opinions?
i have heard all the mention speakers and then some. i even heard some side by side. i but my money where my mouth is and bought the altair. no regrets. the top of the line is the Arrakis. a fantastic speaker but basicly an altair sitting up side ... 
mono vinyl- which way to go?
while i do not listen to mono much(at all), the one thing i miss is an extra arm, by all mean if you can aford it, two are better then one. 
Is analog & vinyl anoying? Is it worht it.
Hxt1, no need to apologize for vinyl. i no longer listen to cd's, it is vinyl or sat radio. soon there will be better servers and better means of receiving, but to me cd's are a dead issue. i never liked ipods or mp3's either. high bit rate stream... 
Warner Bros New Van Morrison Vinyl Reissues
Bianchi27; for that matter, there is nothing new under the sun. 9 times out of 10 the original release is better. i own many new then reissues, try to nolonger buy reissues, just a money stream for the record co, not always but 9 times out of 10. 
Subwoofer meshes well with 2-channel?
bob reynolds; Dude, best response i think i have ever read, bar none. not saying i agree with sub part, but the rest definently dude!