
Responses from koegz

What's your favorite Turntable tweak?
an rcm and cleaninf fluid or mint records or well made heavy racks are NOT tweeks! nor are anyother compnent in the play back chain. the medicine man listed is a tweek. cable stands are tweeks. some sound treatments are tweeks. the original listed... 
digital front end to rival best vinyl?
Hevac1; i do not know which i heard, but i agree it sounded great. you are building your own computer or having it built? i also agree with the advances which has kept me on the sidline up until now. also you are correct on the limitted software. ... 
New favorite VINYL Album?
the lemomheads "VARSHONS". a little dark and morbid but great songs and sound. 
The Best Phono cable
no cable at all! 
Can You Live With Crackling & Popping Noise?
ryder your right all they do is snap, crackle and pop. thanks for saving us from the evil vinyl monster. back to red book. 
Rockport's or Magico's
i remember you "physics are physics". you owen the V3, therefore they must be the best. you know all there is to know about speaker design and could, i am sure, improve on andy's design. if he would only listen. M6, fantastic speaker def considere... 
Rockport's or Magico's
roypan it is obvious to me that you have a much better grasp on what is colored and what is acurate, then i do. clearly no match. thanks for clearing that up. 
Rockport's or Magico's
i admit i read tas but not steriophile any more. i read all the reviews that intrest me and take them for what they are, opinions. i have seen, touched, listened too and compared rockport altairs and magico M6, V3 and mini 11's, they are all excep... 
Rockport's or Magico's
Dracule1 you do not state what these fantastic much cheaper and better speakers are. the media has not pushed the rockports. infact almost no reviews at all(of their highend). 2 internet reviews, one of the altair in 2007 and a more recent discuss... 
Rockport's or Magico's
i love the look of the M6, very cool looking. i consider buying them. the altair has great resolution. the V3 while they are an excellent speaker, left me feeling like something was missing. good luck on your desission process. 
Rockport's or Magico's
i heard the altair and the more expenssive magico m6's in the same room. while they both sounded great, the altair with a $70,000.00 cheaper list price then the m6, sounded their equal in the mid and upper ranges. i felt the altair had the better ... 
New favorite VINYL Album?
neil young's "FORK IN THE ROAD"; 60's,70's, 80's, 90's and 2000, 5 decades and STILL THE MAN! 
New favorite VINYL Album?
Rancid "let the dominoes fall" if you like punk, clash, green day, a must hear. double vinyl album with a lot of great punk/protest music. for mild head bangers. highly recomended! i am now a RANCID FAN! 
I'm adding Jupper cables and your opinion is ??
i believe that the desighn reason for 4 wire set up on speakers was for biamping. in which case you need 4 complete sets of wire and 4 seperate amp channels, preferably mono amps. to me "biwiring" was something created by wire companys to sell mor... 
New favorite VINYL Album?