
Responses from knotscott

Does Hearing Loss Disqualify Me from Audiophiledom?
IMHO, hearing is to audio what eye sight is to fine art. Yes, you need to be able to hear or see for both, but better sight or hearing ability doesn’t necessarily make you better at identifying and recognizing the finer points....experience and ex... 
Tube amps - what 3 things…
Nice sounding OPTs, and strong power supply are as important as anything.  The ability to switch between modes (triode, ultralinear, pentode) is nice.  The more tubes it can accept, the more options you have to tailor the sound to your tastes.  En... 
Help me to build my first stereo system
It's as subjective as picking a favorite color, and your speaker selection should take your room into consideration, so take most of our specific favorite recommendations with that in mind.  You really need to satisfy you.  I'd spend most of my t... 
Made the move: Focal Maestro 3 to Focal Maestro EVO
Equipment done right at this level, especially when it happens to really be your cup of tea,  can be absolutely mind boggling.  Happy for ya!  😎   Congrats and enjoy!   
Thanks James633.  Tried that but is a no-go.  Can't see any avatar pics either...must be something with my PC or browser.  
So called ’passive’ bi-amping, feeding both LF an HF full range and still maintaining the stock passive crossovers is simply a waste of money. It maintains all the drawbacks, eg cost and complexity, while providing none of the benefits of actual ... 
Does anyone know why I can't see or post pics here?  Do I need special permission via dues or something?  
Bi-amping offers more advantages than just an additional power supply. Vertical bi-amping can offer the same benefits of monoblocks, plus the benefits of bi-amping. Bi-amping reduces the responsibility of each channel, and can offer a lot of flexi... 
Eva Cassidy "remastered"
I'm sure there were recesses of her personality that might not have thought much of singing with an orchestra, but I'd think the artist in her would at least be a little bit intrigued at the prospects of being accompanied by that much talent and i... 
Need advice on building a system from a mishmash of components!
Your room is going to be a big factor in which speakers work best for you.  I'd suggest trying them all with the Mac and Golden Tube preamp, and decide for yourself.  
What is your experience with amp power?
Not all amps are created equal, and not all watts are created equal. I’ve gone the gamut from a 55wpc Technics SA500 receiver to a 70wpc Yamaha A500 integrated amp to as high as 255 wpc in a Hafler DH500, down to 150wpc in a NYAL Moscode 300 hybri... 
Eva Cassidy "remastered"
Amazon is taking pre-orders on the LP...Release date: Friday, April 7, 2023  
Subwoofer for Tidal Amea (like Focal Sopra)
I don’t have personal experience with SVS or REL, but I know REL has a pretty strong following (but then again so does Bose and Budweiser 😄). Budget is a factor, so it’d be good to know.  
going from tube preamp to solid state
Not all preamps are created or SS.  What tube preamp do you have, and which SS preamp are you considering?  
Incredible improvement in sound quality
Whatever the change, whatever the cause....."better" is better regardless.  😎  Enjoy! You got me thinking though...I'm going to investigate similar!