
Responses from kirkus

What should I check out?
Wow, some great responses . . .I'll second Tvad's Gateway recommendation, and add the eponymous first album, (from 1974-ish) to the mix.Josquin des Pres - "missa L'homme arme sexti toni" - performed by the Tallis Scholars.Bebo & Cigala (Bebo V... 
Which is better longer xlr or speaker cable
Well, I guess that I'm in the minority . . . my system's set up the opposite way. But both are equally valid in a purely technical sense, it all comes down to pragmatics.Some advantages for longer interconnects:-Rack of gear is smaller and less ob... 
Review: Soundsmith SG-410 Strain Gauge Cartridge Cartridge
I'd like to weigh in on what strikes me as truly being a gentlemen's misunderstanding.I believe that Raul's main point is that when there is a presumed, widely-adopted technical standard such as the RIAA equalisation curve (or 75uS FM de-emphasis,... 
Brass screw tweak, seen in Virtual Dynamics video.
I tried to watch the episode on electromagneteic interference, and was so disgusted with the "science" presented that I simply couldn't stomach it . . . the person in the video demonstrated a complete ignorance of some of the basic physics of elec... 
How does OTL amp get its power?
I actually tried to speak very generically about some of some of the challenges associated with designing a successful OTL amplifier . . . which seemed to be somewhat relevant to the original poster's question. I was NOT referring to disadvantages... 
How does OTL amp get its power?
Are you saying the step up transformers in Quads can be bypassed?Actually, I meant that remark in the sense that there's nothing inherently "wrong" with the fact that tubes have relatively high impedance characteristics . . . it's just very differ... 
How does OTL amp get its power?
I agree with virtually every point Ralph raises, but as everything in life, it goes both ways . . . Advantages of OTLs:1. No output transformer. Really, this is THE advantage and rasion d'etre of OTL amps, hence their name (refers to something the... 
Triode or Ultralinear
I'd just like to add that what you're doing by flipping the switch is only a very vague comparison of the general characteristics of a Triode-based amplifier, and an Ultralinear output circuit. What you're REALLY comparing is your Primaluna amplif... 
2-way speaker with best bass
That's right . . . "2-way" doesn't have to mean "bookshelf". Try a pair of JBL 4435s. 
High-Def TVs?
Ah, yes. There were some wonderful CRT sets made as a lovely swan song to what became a very well-developed technology. A similar thing happened a few years prior with CRT projectors . . . the 9" Barcos were truly stunning.I think the main problem... 
Mc501 and Powerguard--Have you activated it??
Actually Cajunpepe, what you triggered was the conventional thermal cutout circuit, not the Power Guard per se. In addition to the actual Power Guard circuit, McIntosh frequently ties both this thermal cutout circuit and a DC-offset protection rel... 
High-Def TVs?
Al, that would make sense if the main picture-quality bottleneck for SD programming was its native resolution . . . but that's not the case. Pristene-quality NTSC video is actually quite stunning, it's just that the common modes of consumer delive... 
High-Def TVs?
Dave, what you've observed is ABSOLUTELY correct, as is your conclusion. The standard-definition picture looks bad on the set you describe . . . because this set has a bad picture. And unfortuneately, this is the case with most new TVs, of any tec... 
You might take a look at the Linn network players - they allow any number of different user-interface options, and excellent sound quality. I'd also imagine that their support in Scotland is pretty decent :) 
McIntosh Integrated Amplifiers
There are a couple of different threads on the whole question of autoformers vs. direct-coupled approach for Mac power amplifiers - most of the arguements are very much parallel to such other unsolveable audio debates, especially the transformer v...