
Responses from kirkus

Dedicated phono-pre for MM only?
For the reasons cited, it is much more difficult to obtain a true balanced signal from an MM cartridge as compared to an MC one. Feeding a signal with an imbalance of noise on one phase vs the other to the balanced gain stage will result in the am... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Why then would Raul have suggested to rather go to a higher input impedance in favour of adding a capacitance?i.e. 100k in place of 47k.Well I don't want to try to speak for Raul, but here's my thinking on the matter.Increasing the load resistance... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
yes, B U T most of these main-line pres simply use more C (150 - 500pF) to shunt (suck-out) MM treble resonance.Actually, its the other way 'round - more capacitance usually INcreases response in the treble/ultrasonic region. This is because the p... 
Dedicated phono-pre for MM only?
Hi Lewm . . . so for the subject of balanced inputs for phono preamps. First, its important to understand exactly what type of noise a balanced input is capable of rejecting. The overwhelming majority of cartridges and tonearm/turntable cartridge ... 
Dedicated phono-pre for MM only?
I just paid too much for a B&O MMC20CL off eBay. I hope I will be happy.I think that I was looking at that one too . . . glad you got it. If it's in good shape, then you didn't overpay. Stellar cartridge.On the AD797 - this opamp is capable of... 
Dedicated phono-pre for MM only?
Hi Lewm - I will add my vote as well to the higher-loading approach, I think that 100K with minimal capacitance is much better (with virtually every cartridge that I've tried) than the common 47K/150pF.But as far as commercially-available phono st... 
Dedicated phono-pre for MM only?
Hi Mark - FWIW, my experimentation with discrete JFET MM stages included both the 2SK389 dual, and a pair of 2SK369 singles. I cascoded them with 2N5089 NPN bipolars, and loaded the collectors with 1K . . . there was also a single 2N5089 used as a... 
Dedicated phono-pre for MM only?
Hi Mark -- yes we're indeed talking about the same thing, its just that the Miller capacitance is usually much lower. The reason I made the (admittedly rather imprecise) statement about vacuum-tube vs. JFET junction capacitance is from some genera... 
Dedicated phono-pre for MM only?
Hello Axel . . . consideration of some of the specific requirements of MC vs. MM cartridges was something I spent quite a bit of time with in my own phono stage design, and I very much feel that the usual "change the gain and loading" approach can... 
Power Surge Damage
Back when I repaired high-end audio for a living, a single lightning storm would easily pay my mortgage and car payments for a month . . . here are a few not-so-obvious observations from those years:- Lightning damage doesn't always show up immedi... 
Has anyone done any design work using LT Spice
Yes, LTSpice is an excellent tool, and is my SPICE simulator of choice. The recent revisions are especially nice, with good multiprocessor support - which means faster analysis or higher iteration limits for certain analysis techniques.Its main dr... 
Servo Controlled Arm
The internal energies in a cartridge/tonearm occur at all sonic frequencies and with constantly varying amplitudes, all at the speed of sound. Quite a challenge for an active system to deal with.Actually, not a problem at all . . . there are count... 
Servo Controlled Arm
The JVC turntable's tonearm of which you speak is pivoted, and probably more accurately described as "servo-dampened" . . . it's a completely different concept from a servo-controlled linear-tracking turntable to which Dougdeacon refers. The Sony ... 
Variac vs. Isolation vs. Balanced Transformer? ALL
Oh and it seems most variac deals are a type of Brush run motor, due to needing brush replacements on some of them, this would mean to me they make some noiseÂ…No, they're not a motor at all . . . they don't move (unless you like to twiddle the kno... 
Underestimating the influence of studio monitors?
I suppose the skill and experience of the recording mixing engineer can come into play if they know the defficiencies of the monitors themselves and compernsate accordingly in the mixdown but can we really count on this?It's all about skill and ex...