
Responses from kirkus

Tables That Feature Bearing Friction
I wasn't on a field campain just to bring as many troops as possible on the battlefield as to crush the enemy by simply overwhelming him by sheer number and brute force. From the plain dimensions this may look as just another gigantic egomatic tur... 
Tables That Feature Bearing Friction
Wow, thanks for the picture, Syntax. Very, very cool work, Dertonarm.Since we're hitting on the subject of "how do we pursue perfection" . . . this is of course a difficult question, both in the defining and the persuing. I think that there are se... 
Tables That Feature Bearing Friction
Thanks for the info, Dertonarm . . . I enjoyed reading about these products.But it's not a matter of "re-inventing the wheel", its a matter of understanding the exact requirements so as to make sure we understand how well the solution fits the app... 
Why are most High End Amps class A
I'll second the recommendation on Self's work . . . he also has a couple of excellent books on the subject. I don't necessarily agree with all of his approaches and conclusions, but everything he presents he does with wonderful concise logic, and ... 
Tables That Feature Bearing Friction
That implies that the suspension should go as low as 0.5 Hz to ensure isolation from building resonance.I'm not so sure on this -- after all, at 0.5 Hz the relative stylus-to-record motion *should* be fairly well attenuated simply due to the fact ... 
Why are most High End Amps class A
Spatine, I share your respect for Nelson Pass and his products, even though they're not my cup of tea. But since his amps are generally single-ended designs with a high output impedance, I would say that the "class-A-ness" isn't necessarily the ma... 
Tables That Feature Bearing Friction
I heard in the last 15 years more average sounding units than I wanted to. Some are good looking, some are heavy, some are extremely expensive but at the end of day, well you know...average.Couldn't have said it better myself. And I think that one... 
Tables That Feature Bearing Friction
Hi Raul . . . were you able to get any comparisons of stylus drag between a modulated and an unmodulated groove? I think that's one of the central points of most of the discussion of stylus drag. 
DIY balanced interconnects
For example, my Neumann microphones are set up to drive 150 ohms. What this means is that if you don't load them at 150 ohms (if instead you have a load of 1000 ohms or higher), the output transformer will express the inter-winding capacitance rat... 
DIY balanced interconnects
Clio09, there are two common meanings of the term "balanced" in high-end audio these days.First, there's "balanced" as it applies to interconnects, where the idea is that there are two signal-carrying conductors, each with equal impedance (though ... 
Tables That Feature Bearing Friction
Dan_ed, I think Lewm is talking about inner tracks vs. outer tracks on the disc. This will of course vary the amount of stylus drag torque that is applied to the platter, by a simple difference in leverage. 
Tables That Feature Bearing Friction
I'll second the motion for some discussion on these topics . . . regardless of where we stand as individuals, the enthusiast audio industry these days is very much threateaned by the stagnation of ideas, and open discussions are an excellent way t... 
Some irrefutable truths about rock and roll
The only requirement for a "hardcore metal" band is to have a lead singer that sounds like Cookie Monster. 
Why are most High End Amps class A
You now have distortion only when the output signal is very high and you have no crossover distortion (GM doubling or whatever you like to call it - lets say transition distortion) when output signal is very low and it runs in Class A (both sides ... 
DIY balanced interconnects
I remember seeing a local recording engineer set up the mics a good 150 feet from the recorder, and the recording was fabulous. Years later I had that event in mind in setting the goal to support the same operation.It's interesting that you say th...