
Responses from kirkus

Running 4 speakers from a 2-channel amp
Kirkus - I remember seeing large bass guitar stacks that had a lot of small (about 10") speakers (10-12). They must have been connected serial/parallel to obtain any drivable impedance.Actually, just about every instrument cabinet I can think of i... 
Running 4 speakers from a 2-channel amp
Thanks Kijanki . . . A good explanitation of why it can be appropriate to wire speakers in series under certain circumstances. It should be noted the main assumptions/limitations . . First, it makes the loudspeaker performance more variable with m... 
Power output of tube amps compared to solid states
Do tubes have the same "advantage" in preamplifiers?No. Tube preamp stages almost universally operate in Class A, so they have a steady-steady current draw regardless of the output level. Consumer preamps also usually operate into high-impedance l... 
Power output of tube amps compared to solid states
Trelja, thanks for the kind words.Unsound, are you referring to the Threshold S/500? If so, there must be some inconsistencies around what is meant by "double its rated power for several minutes" . . . because I remember this amplifier having rath... 
Power output of tube amps compared to solid states
If I may steer this thread a bit back to the original question . . . there's are two characteristics typical of tube amps that I think make the perception common that "tube watts" are more powerful than "solid-state watts":First, as others have al... 
Power output of tube amps compared to solid states
A bit off topic here, but, if a speaker manufacturer needs to veer from the criterion you use to describe a "decent speaker design" and needs use something other than a higher impedance amp to achieve better results, what's the harm?Ah, Unsound . ... 
Modernists Unite, or: saying no to room treatment
On one hand, there are indeed many homes with really wretched acoustics! Many of them are simply unpleaseant to be in with any kind of noise whatsoever, let alone trying to make music . . . either from a recorded or a live source . . .But on the o... 
Power output of tube amps compared to solid states
You're precisely correct Shadorne . . . and that's why in the pro world, a 12" driver is considered small for a woofer, and usually used for midrange/midbass. Even most pro 18" drivers have a pretty high Fs and low Q compared to a consumer 12" . .... 
Power output of tube amps compared to solid states
Pubul57, there's no shortage of material on the web that contains Atmasphere waxing lyrical about his approach to building amplifiers . . . I suggest you look at his website or peruse his posting history on Audiogon if you haven't caught it by now. 
Power output of tube amps compared to solid states
Much as I like prosound woofers, most of them have too much electrical damping (too low Qes) to give good bass extension with a low output impedance (high damping factor) amplifier. Excellent point - they also tend to have lower mechanical mass fo... 
Power output of tube amps compared to solid states
Hi Unsound . . . it's not so much a matter of whether or not an amplifier is "DC coupled" so much as what its output impedance is -- Atmasphere manufactures "DC coupled" amplifiers with highish-to-very-high output impedances. I would summarize his... 
Power output of tube amps compared to solid states
This particular paper is interesting, but very dated . . . and no disrespect to the author or his work in context of the time. But it's important to understand that this was published some fifteen years before that of Thiele and Small, and the T/S... 
Is Monster cable getting better?
In order for a cable to uniformly change a video stream that looks "better" or "worse", the random bit changes of every 10bit value would have to somehow decode to uniform changes in the resulting 8bit value. Chances of this happening - ZERO.While... 
sweep tubes and audio application?
"Sweep tubes" refers to types of tubes that were designed for the horizontal-output circuit of tube-type TVs. They generally have reasonable current ratings, high voltage ratings, good gain, and used to be cheap and widely available. The classic D... 
Polarity mystery: Can you help me solve it?
Kirkus - In light of this information, does your initial crossover/driver/cabinet theory still apply?No, sorry, it doesn't. There are only three things that I can think of can explain what you're experiencing:- Psychological or experimental change...