

Responses from kijanki

Best Ethernet Setup for Streaming Audio
Fiber optics likely has slow transition edges, making it prone to electrical noise interference (that affect threshold point in time - hence creating jitter). Adding power conditioner would help.  
Anything SS sounds better than D'Agostino ?
@inna you mean you judge the sound of world best amplifiers by using youtube? Your tube sound is recorded in unknown space with unknown speakers by unknown microphones, by unknown recording engineer to create 128 kbps AAC? You must be kidding. 
Best Ethernet Setup for Streaming Audio
What do you mean by TP-Link.  If it is Wi-Fi then nothing before it matters - it is just Wi-Fi data.  TP-Link in front of the DAC seems to be optimal (eliminates most of injected noise).  D/A conversion always benefits from quiet power supply.  Go... 
Anything SS sounds better than D'Agostino ?
How, on earth, you can judge the sound on youtube?  D'Agostino amps are very good (according to reviews), but extremely expensive.  Better question (for most of us) would be "What sounds best for the $" 
Amp and Pre-Amp suggestions needed
Two points:I don't like tone controls.  When I had lower quality receiver and speakers tone controls helped a lot.  With better amp and speaker I seldom used them, but now with good gear (I think) I don't need it at all.  Lower quality systems are... 
Reducing my digital noise floor.
Ethernet is just, as you said, "data" and there is no "quality" to it (data is data).  This data is likely bit perfect (checksum is verified), or we would have a lot of problems everywhere.  The only thing you can improve, IMHO, is amount of noise... 
Best Cable Option: Streamer to DAC
Again, any signal that is amplitude modulated will have sidebands.  Organ note played will show single frequency on FFT, but interrupted 10 times a second will show root frequency and sidebands spaced 10Hz apart.   I have to agree with you, that f... 
Best Cable Option: Streamer to DAC
Any percussion instrument is an "continuous"No, it is not. If you record drum roll it will show individual bursts with silence in between. The signal is analog, it is continuous.Analog and continuous are two different terms. When you strike drum o... 
Best Cable Option: Streamer to DAC
@cleeds instead "First two sidebands (21.9kHz and 22kHz) will have already very small amplitude and the rest of them can be ignored."it should say:"First two sidebands (21.9kHz and 22.1kHz) will have already very small amplitude and the rest of th... 
Best Cable Option: Streamer to DAC
papafrgog,  rate of incoming signal and rate of D/A conversion have to be synchronized.  With async USB computer sends bunch of samples (frames) at certain rate (usually 1 kHz).  DAC receives such frame and places it into buffer.  Dac signals back... 
Best Cable Option: Streamer to DAC
@cleeds It is likely that harmonics of 22kHz come from percussion instruments, that are not continuous by nature.  100Hz (drum roll) will give you (modulated) 22kHz with bunch of sidebands spaced 100Hz apart.  First two sidebands (21.9kHz and 22kH... 
Best Cable Option: Streamer to DAC
Nyquist applies only to continuous waves, so intermittent (music) 22kHz signal would have sidebands that may encroach on the 1/2 sampling frequency limit. It is remotely possible, but amplitudes of folded signals will be extremely small (as are 22... 
Capacitor upgrade jargon definitions
"Poly" just means synthetic polymer.  Film or Foil?  Foil capacitors are made with metal foils (usually aluminium) separated by layer of dielectric while Film capacitors are made with metallized layers on dielectric films.  Film capacitors are sma... 
What is an easy way to convert wav files to Flac?
Try freac.org - free and easy to uses converter.  You can use it as batch converter.  I use it to convert ALAC to AAC (for phone and car). 
Bi-wiring using different cables
Biwiring works with some speakers and has little to no effect with others.  It might be related to Xover design.  Some speaker makers don't believe in biwiring and make speakers with just one set of connectors.  My speakers have three sets of bind...