

Responses from kijanki

Replacing Bel Canto S300 blown ASC200 module
It is the same 200ASC module.  I still have Rowland model 102 based on the same module.  300W specification, as golfnutz stated, is based on 10% distortion.  Rowland rated it only for 200W.  As I remember I took very long time (few hundred hours) ... 
Help an old man out
I had (still have) Rowland 102 - a class D amp based on the same module (200ASC) as your S300.  I liked it a lot, but eventually replaced it with Benchmark AHB2.  It is wonderful, cool running amp, that sounds better than Rowland 102.  Everything ... 
BS Node 2i: WiFi or Ethernet..?
I don't have Node 2i, but in general you only send data (in packets) over WiFi or Ethernet.  As long as data sent is the same - sound quality should be the same.  If anything, WiFi should be better, since Ethernet can inject electrical noise (in s... 
Why do you need so much power?
By the way 80 watts sounds only about 3X louder than 8 watts.Should be only 2x louder. Perceived loudness is equal tok^(1/3.5), where k is ratio of power. For 10x power it is equal to 1.93 10x power is equivalent to 10dB sound level increase equal... 
USB cable
Audio2design - It makes sense.  Thank you. 
Why do you need so much power?
Perhaps for the size of the room. When listening point is 2m away from the speakers your your speakers will deliver 93dB from just 1W. There will be 6dB drop for double the distance, but 3dB gain from room reflections and another 3dB from the pres... 
USB cable
@melm  I thought it should work, since it is differential signaling (receiver detects the difference between +data and -data lines.  Receiver ignores any common mode (including GND reference).  Many people lifted GND (cut GND wire) and reported im... 
USB cable
Since your DAC has asynchronous USB the only issue is ambient electrical noise and computer noise injected into DAC - data will always be the same (timing is not involved).  I would try a cable with good shielding and no power wires (+5V, GND), si... 
FTC may end amplifier rule! ACTION NEEDED
Are we talking about the same FTC, that used for 25 years erroneous terms "rms power" and "rms watts" ? (corrected it in 2000). 
Capacitance change in balanced connection?
I’m not sure why it’s higher for XLR. Effect of the shield on overall capacitance should be lower for "floating" (not GND related) outputs (like microphone or transformer). This should reduce overall capacitance. Geometries might be a little diffe... 
Greatest Audiogon Audiophiles ever and the GOAT
+5 cymbop 
Anything SS sounds better than D'Agostino ?
George, I don’t know Antillion amps and I’m sure they are great, but 7500W into 0.25ohms requires 173 amperes? What kind of power supply can deliver 173 amperes? What about size of conductors? Most of the current will go to woofers, but there is a... 
Best Ethernet Setup for Streaming Audio
Thanks Kijinki. Way over my head, but I appreciate the attempt.Draw on paper two horizontal lines connected by 45 degree transition. Let say, that level recognition point is in the middle of this transition. This will correspond to particular poin... 
Best Ethernet Setup for Streaming Audio
Where this USB power comes from?  Computer sourced power is not better than wall wort - both likely use crude switching power supplies.  There are very high quality SMPS with lower noise than typical linear supply, but you won't find them in USB s... 
Best Ethernet Setup for Streaming Audio
Kijinki, can you explain the above? How does fiber get interfered by electrical noise?When transition edges are perfectly square (low transition time) electrical noise added to source or destination makes no difference - level change is recognized...