

Responses from kijanki

Variac or not?
@rodman99999 SMPS would do that - draw more current at the lower voltage, but 510M has linear power supply. Lower supply voltage shouldn’t result in higher supply current. The issue is relay shorting this resistor, that might not activate at the l... 
Replacing Bel Canto S300 blown ASC200 module
@ukthunderace  Congratulations.  Not only satisfaction of fixing it yourself but also assurance of being able to do this again (god forbid) in the future. 
Variac or not?
I found schematic of 510M and note that "Resistor R3 must be shorted with a jumper before autotransformer is used". In normal operation there is a time constant of about 0.3s to activate relay that shorts this resistor, but perhaps at low supply v... 
Variac or not?
Can you explain why lowering supply voltage (variac) would burn out resistor in series? 
Dolby vs. pre-Dolby
I remember that Dolby C on my cassette deck worked much better than Dolby B. The biggest difference, extension wise, was HX-Pro (servo on the bias). There was also less effective Phillips thing called Dynamic Noise Limiter (DNL), frequency/level p... 
Don't get it, why anyone would ask others "what sounds best"?
People are generally divided into two camps: accurate and musical.  I'm in accurate camp.  People who prefer musical (warm sounding) gear don't like accurate gear calling it "sterile" and "analytical".  Many years ago somebody on this forum asked ... 
Variac or not?
I would power it at about 70VAC for one day.  Electrolyte in electrolytic capacitors eats up dielectric (aluminum oxide) lowering breakdown voltage. Presence of voltage rebuilds this layer.  10 years is about the time I would start worrying. 
S/PDIF-how different than an IC?
If you don't match characteristic impedance between source, cable, and destination you might get reflections in the cable on impedance boundaries.  These reflections can modify (add to) transition edge.  Such modification, can create staircases on... 
T6.3AL250v Fuse: Slow or Fast Blow???????
Would I have enough power?
Maggies are less efficient at 86dB, but also are specified for 2.83V and 4 ohm (at 2W).  Specification at 8 ohm (or 1W) would be 3dB less resulting in 83dB vs 88dB for A26.  5dB difference is equal to 3.2 times more power required.  You would have... 
Ethernet vs 5G Streamer Tech Considerations for Sound Quality
CD quality stream is 1.4Mbps.  4G is 100Mbps.  5G is 10Gbps.  The question is how you plan to feed it into DAC? 
Would I have enough power?
It depends on the size of the room.  In smaller room, when distance to speaker is about 2m (6.6ft), it should be OK.  At 15 watt it will be around 100dB - pretty loud.   
biamping with 75 watt solid state and 18 watt tube amp.klipsch rp600m...t
75watt and 18watt amps will have different gains.  How are you going to adjust for that? 
Master Clock questions - cable length etc
Signal in the cable reflects on impedance boundaries, so matching characteristic impedance of the cable to output/input impedance of your gear is important and the cheaper cable might be a better match in your system than expensive one.  If your m... 
"Amplifier Noise Floor" and hum acceptable?
My Rowland model 102 (class D) - absolutely perfect silence.My Benchmark AHB2 - absolutely perfect silence.Both are silent even when listening in close proximity.  Audible 60Hz is not acceptable IMHO.  Since you tried more than one amp it is likel...