
Responses from kiddman

Why not horns?
Who invented terminology to describe what we hear? One more entry to dispel the myth that this was anyone associated with TAS, Stereophile, or any such magazine.Below you will read the words and phrases "auditory perspective" (I think that word de... 
Why not horns?
Setting the record straight is all. Folks so often give HP credit for "founding the industry", "inventing the language that allowed us to talk about what we hear", and implying the industry would not have flourished without him. I am offering an a... 
Why not horns?
Ah, history is so easy to swing to your position when you are doing the reporting. Harry claimed he pioneered the use of many words as related to audio and they certainly were not all true. "High end" is the most ridiculous one. As for "soundstage... 
Pass Labs amps and Avantgarde speakers
I would absolutely run a low powered SET into those speakers unless you are against tubes. A shame to own the AVs if indeed you are against tubes. 
Why not horns?
Frogman, you are suffering from a bit of hero worship and unfortunately don't really know the real scenarios that played out. Neither do you know the sound there over those years, obviously. 
Clearaudio MM specs rolled back?
What are you using to verify inductance and resistance repeatedly? I've measured, using state of the art equipoment (with AC test signal, the only way to do it right) 30% differences in impedance with some brands. Yes, "mass produced" ones, if you... 
Why not horns?
This is not bashing, just a dose of reality. HP wrote about remaining true to the music, but a lot of his equipment did not reflect that. He's as much of a gear head as anyone, and the gear took precedent many times, as did politics. And anyone in... 
Polarity between amps
Elizabeth is so correct. No recordings are going to be "in phase or reverse phase". As soon as there is more than one mic phase is gone. As soon as something is eq's phase is all over the place. And for the folks that think their precious audiophi... 
Why not horns?
I had never heard of Stereophile, TAS, J. Peter goofball, or any of the high end when I went stereo shopping after college. I told the salesperson "I want to hear jazz, classical, pop, but jazz and classical instruments have to sound real". She (y... 
Why not horns?
The man had great power, folks followed him blindly like many follow Fremer blindly today for analog stuff, or how they followed Parker and his ridiculous wine ratings system. When one guy, not a do-er, but a reviewer, gains too much influence it ... 
Why not horns?
Ralph, way wrong. There were great horns when Harry hated them.....Tannoys have been great for a long time, various JBLs were, horns were all over in recording studios sounding great. And Harry would still say today that they are bad. Lack of corr... 
Clearaudio MM specs rolled back?
Come on, nearly all of these manufacturers make up the specs. Measuring lots and lots of high end analog, I've found the specs are dreams and wishes. MC's that show flat but have a rise of 8db by 14khz. Turntables that quote .01% wow + flutter but... 
Why not horns?
Why not horns? Because the USA press killed them for the US market over 30 years ago and most audiophiles are naive enough to believe what they read. In the Far East they never gave up on horns and I can assure you, it's not because they are deaf.... 
"Slam"--what is it, is it really accurate?
Yes, you feel the wave hit your body with a nice kick drum shot when you are near it, with no amplification. I would call that "slam". Same with the floor tom, which is actually a lower frequency than a kick drum. 
"Slam"--what is it, is it really accurate?
Not kidding. You can't get realism in slam without playing it near the levels you hear it at live. Bring a sound level meter to live events, you won't believe the SPL peaks. I'm not advocating playing at those levels constantly at home. But, if yo...