
Responses from kiddman

What is Imaging?
Spoken by a true audiophile: "As for imaging during a live performance, how many people can fit in the sweet spot?"As a music lover, I don't worry about where I'll find the "sweet spot". I just go. And I often find, with jazz and chamber I am with... 
Tannoy Westminster SE vs. Sonus Faber Amati Futur
Sound Real, your logic is faulty here. You clearly don't understand the nature of the transformer (the horn) that takes the load off that 2" driver, compared to a "bare driver", to the tune of an order of magnitude.It's useless to argue with someo... 
Tannoy Westminster SE vs. Sonus Faber Amati Futur
Most folks don't even realize that these Tannoy mids really are horns, and that the woofer acts as a continuation of the horn for the central compression driver.On the Westminster, the enclosure itself then takes over as an extension of the horn f... 
Balanced or single ended phono stage?
I should have said, in the above post, "To get back to the poster's original question", not "Your original question". 
Balanced or single ended phono stage?
I think your "preamble" is not "really necessary", as you state, to give my response context. My assertions stand on their own, balanced is not a sonic guarantee of anything. Neither is it a detriment. Maybe it will be quieter in your system. As f... 
VPI Classic III force gauge
VPI? Proper controls? Please.To clear up the discussion, ALL metals will show some degree of magnetic behavior. All metal gauges will show some degree of this. Don't bother arguing about it, go to some textbooks. 
Balanced or single ended phono stage?
Some pretty basic reality:1. There are many reasons for the quality of sound of a phono stage, differential design being one of many. Balanced might be beneficial, but many non-balanced phono stages beat balanced phono stages. This single factor c... 
What is Imaging?
Something audiophiles go crazy over and music lovers don't notice as much.Something that has caused folks to buy speakers and then get absolutely sick of their distortion and other problems. Something audiophiles can argue about and debate whether... 
Tannoy Westminster SE vs. Sonus Faber Amati Futur
Thanks Shakey. PM sent to you, check your in box. 
Tannoy Westminster SE vs. Sonus Faber Amati Futur
Sound's real, you don't get it man, it's a COMPRESSION DRIVER, there's huge energy in that 2 incher. Studios need to be able to play LOUD, musicians demand that, and there have been more of those drivers used in mastering recordings, over decades,... 
Ultimate Classical Speaker. Magico Q5, Rockport...
4musica, Steven, knows quality sound. The speakers he mentions are fine speakers indeed, more truth from those speakers than from any M-brand model ever made other than possibly the huge horn. 
Ultimate Classical Speaker. Magico Q5, Rockport...
If you are not 97 or more I'll bet they don't...... 
Ultimate Classical Speaker. Magico Q5, Rockport...
The Tannoys are a great suggestion. Rockports are better than the Magicos, for sure.There are a few other good choices, but I would bet a lot of money that Magico won't be the last speaker you'll ever own unless you are in your 80's. 
opinions on this new product
How about audio cables that also make chicken soup?A toaster that is also a bird feeder?A computer monitor that blows up balloons? 
Tannoy Westminster SE vs. Sonus Faber Amati Futur
If you buy things for their "designer boutique" looks then get the Sonus.If you want the most musical, realistic sound, go Tannoy.As to the guy who had the Westminsters and thought they were too analytical or revealing, I would say you had a very ...