
Responses from kiddman

True Sound Works Apogee Diva Ultimate - Any Good?
The Divas certainly have "a sound". They are along the road of impressionist, especially lower midrange and into the bass, than literal sounding. They have that "airiness" of open back speakers, but a softening on transients that is just there no ... 
Thinking About A Change
Get to a show. Buying any speaker based on driver type is a complete shot in the dark. Get to a dealer or a show to hear them. Some of the worst speakers use very high tech drivers. Some of the best speakers use ordinary looking drivers (and ordin... 
Upgrade to ATC / Bryston
And figure out the speakers first, then the amp. 
Upgrade to ATC / Bryston
Thanks Doug.Original Poster, you were heading in the right direction with the ATC. No power conditioner or power cables will give you that increase in purity, detail, etc. that the ATC will. Comparing the magnitude of improvement from accessories ... 
Upgrade to ATC / Bryston
Douglas, don't misrepresent what I said. I never said that a bookshelf/sub combo is better. I merely said that different amps can be used on a sub and a speaker and still get great results. For the record, I've never heard a bookshelf speaker and ... 
Tannoy Kensington SE vs Magnepan 20.7
2 great speakers and so different.If you are a detail hound, if you love transparency and "float", if absolutely colorless presentation is important, and if you can live without dynamics and impact, the Maggies.If you want more "substance" (not me... 
Upgrade to ATC / Bryston
Just a couple of points:1. It is totally possible to use a subwoofer with a state of the art speaker in a state of the art system, using totally different amps on the woofer and main speakers, and achieve world-class results. 2. Should be number 1... 
VPI Direct Drive Turntable
Many will be afraid to be speak out as you did, Tubes108, for fear of the loyalists deriding you. But I know of several experiences like yours. Typically these folks are not forum folks (forums represent a small minority just like talk radio does)... 
Dialing in analog front end
What is the output of the cartridge you are using? Is it a lesser cartridge than that of your other system? 
VPI Direct Drive Turntable
Dreadhead, I'm curious. You say "I love records and still have some my original mono recordings from the sixties. I am inspired by vinyls resurrection but the recent advances in technology and the high costs have left me no option but to reexamine... 
Tannoy Westminister VS dc10 Instrument Grande V
I don't particularly agree about the "glitch" with Tannoys: many speakers I have purchased new have taken similar break in times. And I'll add this: out of the box they were incredibly enjoyable, first 10 minutes. The bass deepened, become more dy... 
VPI Direct Drive Turntable
Free trade is indeed free trade. Nobody is evil just because they wish to make a profit. For many folks that I have talked to the irritation over VPI stems from VPI's continued middle of the road (at best) quality and constant changes to their pro... 
How do you determine how much to spend on speakers
I listen to all speakers I can that purport to be "state of the art" or "reference level". I ignore price as much as I can. They I pick my favorites and decide if I want to spend that much money. So far my favorites are at $75k, $50k, and $35k. Th... 
VPI Direct Drive Turntable
Thanks Don. I hate the reality of my statements, it makes it hard to be in the hobby and business knowing so many are just milking and bilking consumers. 
VPI Direct Drive Turntable
Remember, coming out with something new is FAR more important than coming out with something better. Sad but true, manufacturers have learned that doing something new, whether it's not quite as good, or as good, or better, will generate interest a...