
Responses from kiddman

Has anyone had trouble with speed on their tt
"corrects for drag instantly...."Not possible. Instant velocity change to the correct velocity would be like a perpetual motion machine. Fast correction = flutter.Slower correction = wow.Slow correction = drift. All affect the music. Correction (s... 
Has anyone had trouble with speed on their tt
Most turntables of "repute" are not withing very good limits. When you hear a real stable one you realize that. The OP and Syntax are not wrong.And all DC tables, something that is coming back to be more popular, have servo circuits, and all of th... 
What is going on
Asking and getting are two hugely different things. 
Is the BAlabo BC-1 MKII Preamp the reigning King?
I would say he is. 
Is the BAlabo BC-1 MKII Preamp the reigning King?
It was so revolutionary that nobody is talking about it anymore. 
Why so little discussion about Snell ?
The Snell E was a truthful, but not exaggerated speaker. Nice and direct sounding.Many elements of truth to the sound of real instruments. 
In response to 'Why not horns?'
When I listen to the Type A, though it lacks dynamics no matter what associated equipment is used, I feel that it is far less "audiophile" than almost all very highly reviewed speakers of today. Less exaggerated, truer timbre, easier on the ears. ... 
Just a bit to bright
You need to learn right away, to avoid bleeding money needlessly for your audio career, to fix the problem where it exists instead of using band-aids for flawed product. You can never solve the flaws in products with purchases of components that h... 
ZYX R100 Yatra
You are likely reading too many reviews and listening to too many audiophiles who say that their systems sound better than real music. It will never sound JUST LIKE real music. It will always be a facsimile. Just the recording and transfer process... 
Most expensive
I cannot remember a case where THE most expensive audio component really sounded the best. Most often the most expensive is far, far from the best. Now, that does not mean that the most expensive won't be reviewed as the best, that's a whole diffe... 
New Thiel Speakers - Post Jim Thiel Era
There will be a new designer. He'll bring his own values. His own listening preferences. They will be Thiel in name only. Like following a team full of free agents, one is in effect loyal to laundry, the uniform only. Same with Thiel, watch and see. 
Why not horns?
The 1.5t was nowhere near the ML2 (itself not my favorite amp)and making "transfer function matches" between 2 totally different amps with different components and topologies is entirely preposterous. This was "an inside job", nothing less. Should... 
Why not horns?
My point is that folks were using the terms, so whether they were in reviews or not they were in the lexicon. Therefore, they most certainly would have been used in reviews even if there were never an HP. Actually, first piece I quoted was a news ... 
Why not horns?
Aczel criticism overblown? I don't know that this would be possible. Here's a guy who never published a particular issue, but write a bogus review for Carver saying that Carver had exactly duplicated the sound of a well known, very expensive ampli... 
Why not horns?
Who invented the terminology: more evidence it was not who you think it was. One of HP's favorite words/concepts, which he claimed he coined, and wrote a long essay about: "Transparency."From 1960, a Shure ad: "Shure announces a stereo arm and car...