
Responses from kennyc

The Most Philosophical Song You Ever Heard
I noticed nobody chose Chuck Berry's "My Ding-a-Ling" 
Possibly Dumb Question re:Battery as a power supply
@kingharoldHigh end audio greatly benefits from clean power, and battery power may be the cleanest- don’t have to share a dirty AC line shared by devices, appliances, and neighbors. But as per the reasons mentioned by other posters, batteries have... 
What's your dream speaker?
For now, fortunate and happy with what I have.Best place to be. 
Why so many tubes?
Seems like a complicated way to reproduce musicYes, it is. It’s taking sound vibrations, storing it on a physical media, then retrieving the signal, modifying and amplifying the signal as needed to drive transducers in speakers. It’s an imperfect ... 
What's your dream speaker?
If I had a dream house with a dream dedicated audio room, I’d upgrade my choice to top if the line YG or Magico. 
Why so many tubes?
I suspect a troll or lazy OP. All it takes is to Google “audio vacuum tubes: advantages, disadvantages, and uses in audio”. Also, learning how an audio signal is amplified is also readily available online. 
Turntable versus tonearm versus cartridge: which is MOST important?
@bobbyddHas your question in your OP been satisfactory answered, or are there further concerns? In essence, all three (turntable, tonearm, cartridge) contributes to one systems sonics. To emphasize one while ignoring the others is a mistake - the ... 
The Most Philosophical Song You Ever Heard
+1 John Lennon - ImagineImagine by Lennon is the liberal love song. No God no heaven? Title should be “Nightmare”!Meets the OP “The Most Philosophical Song You Ever Heard”, don’t necessarily agree with the philosophy.If the OP means which lyrics s... 
Monitor suggestions?
Maybe a used Joseph Audio Pulsar can get you to satisfying bass along with great sound as per many positive reviews. 
Integrated amp recommendation for Focal 1038
NuPrime IDA-16 Integrated Amplifier garnered many favorable reviews.  Rotel gives value/$Hegel - safest bet without knowing one’s sonic preferences- consistent positive reviews 
Speaker Recommendation up to 70k
@emeraldPerhaps a long shot but you can try to network with “local” audiophiles to see if there might be local speaker owners of the brands you are interested in.  I googled “Dubai audiophile” and got a few interesting results.  Doesn’t hurt to ma... 
Speaker Recommendation up to 70k
@emeraldYou may want to find out what speakers CH Precision uses to voice their electronics.Also, reach out to other CH Precision owners (WBF may be best source) on how they derived at their speaker choices vs others.Assuming similar speaker voici... 
Turntable versus tonearm versus cartridge: which is MOST important?
We can make evaluations based on relative $ costs, but again the OP didn’t make it clear whether $ costs differences should be considered.  The OP still hasn’t clarified what his point is, what is he trying to achieve, or is just curiosity questio... 
Turntable versus tonearm versus cartridge: which is MOST important?
+1 lewmLike asking tires vs steering wheel vs gas 
Help wanted spending money and improving my system.
@fastninja12knowing your budget would be very helpful - would help us to focus on useful options